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Resumen de Optimal experimental design for models with potentially censored responses

Jesús López Fidalgo Árbol académico, María Jesús Rivas López Árbol académico

  • Models with potentially censored responses appear frequently, for example, in clinical trials. Optimal designs under this framework have rarely been considered in the literature. In this work a development of the optimal design theory is carried out for the typical Cox Regression problem. The failure time is modelized according to a probability distribution depending on some explanatory variables through a linear model. At the end of the study some units will have not failed and thus their time records will be censored. An optimal conditional design will be computed at the beginning of the study for any possible given time of debut. Thus, every time a new unit enters the study there is an experimental design to be applied. A particular and simple case is used throughout the paper in order to illustrate the procedure.

Fundación Dialnet

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