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Resumen de Building Interactive Decision Aid Applications using ILOG ODMS

Sofiane Oussedik

  • This presentation will give you an insight into recent ILOG optimization de- velopments and will introduce ILOG Optimization Decision Management Sys- tem (ODMS) - a new generation of integrated tools and engines for optimization modeling and application development.

    ODMS developments are driven by the need to accomplish key business objectives and rapidly deploy the right °exible solutions.

    A demo will be presented highlighting the productivity and ease-of-use of ODMS in terms of model development, debugging and tuning using ILOG OPL Development Studio and the seamless integration with ILOG ODM (Optimiza- tion Decision Manager) to rapidly build complete interactive CPLEX or CP Optimizer (Constraint Programming Optimizer) based planning and schedul- ing applications.

    The OPL Development System is at the heart of ODM and provides a natu- ral representation of optimization models, requiring far less e®ort than general- purpose programming languages. OPL has advanced data types designed for the special needs of optimization problems, and it fully supports linear and quadrat- ic objectives and constraints, as well as real and integer decision variables. It also supports both mathematical and constraint programming techniques.

    Re°ecting the structure of the underlying optimization model, ILOG ODM- based applications allow business users to create scenarios by adjusting assump- tions, costs, resources, operating constraints and business goals. Solutions can be reviewed and compared with extensive support for what-if analysis, scenario comparison, explanations, and the controlled relaxation of soft constraints.

Fundación Dialnet

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