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Resumen de Strategic absentmindedness in finitely repeated games

Ignacio García Jurado Árbol académico, Natividad Llorca Pascual Árbol académico, Ana Meca Martínez Árbol académico, M. Pulido, Joaquín Sánchez Soriano Árbol académico

  • It has been studied in the literature how the absentmindedness of the players can be enough for obtaining cooperative equilibria. In this work we analyze the role of absentmindedness in non-cooperative games by means of what we call strategic absentminded behaviour. We particularly study its influence in the context of finitely repeated games with complete information. To do so, we revisit the main folk theorem for finitely repeated games with complete information and analyze how the classical assumptions can be relaxed in the model with strategic absentmindedness.

Fundación Dialnet

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