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Resumen de AIMMS Optimization Modeling and Application Development

Frans de Rooij

  • In this presentation we will show how AIMMS facilitates the de¯nition of ad- vanced optimization models and the development of graphical decision-support applications based on these models.

    We will demonstrate the AIMMS tools for model development and analysis, such as the automatic generation of Stochastic Programs and the Math Program Inspector. The algorithmic power of AIMMS is illustrated by features such as Benders decomposition, the Non-Linear Pre-Solver, and the links to many solvers including XA, CPLEX and Xpress. Finally, we will show some of the graphical objects available to construct an operational user interface, such as the versatile pivot table, the network object and the GIS link.

    If you would like to experience the presented bene¯ts yourself, you can down- load a free full-size trial version at

Fundación Dialnet

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