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Resumen de The Hamiache value for union stable cooperation structures

Encarnación Algaba Durán Árbol académico, Jesús Mario Bilbao Arrese Árbol académico, N. Jiménez, Jorge J. López Vázquez Árbol académico

  • The most extensively studied solution concepts in communication situations have been the Myerson value (1977) and the position value (see Borm, Owen, and Tijs, 1992). These concepts have been generalized to union stable cooperation structures by Algaba et al. (2000, 2001). Hamiache (1999) presents a new solution concept for the case in which the communication relations among players are modelled by means of an undirected graph. In this work, we study the generalization of this value in other models of partial cooperation where the communication links may be represented by hypergraphs.

Fundación Dialnet

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