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Resumen de Finite Cyclicity of Finite Codimension Nondegenerate Homoclinic Loops with Real Eigenvalues in R3

C. Rousseau, L.S. Guimond

  • In this paper we study homoclinic loops in \Rn[3]{R} which are nondegenerate in the sense of \Shil\ (\cite{Sl2}) and with real principal eigenvalues in $1:1$ resonance, i.e.\ homoclinic loops which have the \textit{strong inclination property} and which are tangent to the principal eigenvectors. We are interested here in the higher codimensional cases. It is known that the dynamics of such systems is given by a 1-dimensional map. Using the ideas exposed in \cite{Gl2}, we are able to show that, as for the ``nontwisted'' loops (cf.\ \cite{RrRc1}), this 1-dimensional map admits a nice asymptotic expansion allowing to treat homoclinic loop bifurcations of arbitrarily high codimension and to exhibit an explicit bound for the number of isolated periodic solutions generated under small perturbations. The computations of the bound rely on derivation-division algorithms and Khovanski$\breve{\text{\i}}$'s fewnomials theory.

Fundación Dialnet

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