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Resumen de Multi-arm clinical trials with finite response and non homogeneous urn function

José Antonio Moler Cuiral Árbol académico, Fernando Plo Árbol académico, Miguel San Miguel Marco Árbol académico

  • An adaptive design for a clinical trial with prognostic factors and more than two treatments is described using a generalised urn model in a random environment. Patients arrive sequentially and treatments are applied according to a function of the urn composition. This function may change at each stage. Patient's response is immediate and discrete, with a finite number of possible values. The evolution of the urn composition is expressed by a recurrence equation that fits the Robbins-Monro scheme of stochastic approximation. In this setting, we obtain asymptotic properties for the performance of each treatment and we illustrate the application of the rule with an example.

Fundación Dialnet

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