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Resumen de Tests of Independence and Randomness Based on the Empirical Copula Process

Christian Genest Árbol académico, Bruno Rémillard

  • Deheuvels (1981a) described a decomposition of the empirical copula process into a finite number of asymptotically mutually independent sub-processes whose joint limiting distribution is tractable under the hypothesis that a multivariate distribution is equal to the product of its margins. It is proved here that this result can be extended to the serial case and that the limiting processes have the same joint distribution as in the non-serial setting. As a consequence, linear rank statistics have the same asymptotic distribution in both contexts. It is also shown how these facts can be exploited to construct simple statistics for detecting dependence graphically and testing it formally. Simulations are used to explore the finite-sample behavior of these statistics, which are found to be powerful against various types of alternatives

Fundación Dialnet

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