Mixing of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on strongly log-concave distributions: Continuous dynamics
Oren Mangoubi, Aaron Smith
págs. 2019-2045
Exchangeable coalescents, ultrametric spaces, nested interval-partitions: A unifying approach
Félix Foutel-Rodier, Amaury Lambert, Emmanuel Schertzer
págs. 2046-2090
Central limit theorems for SIR epidemics and percolation on configuration model random graphs
Frank Ball
págs. 2091-2142
págs. 2143-2191
The fractal cylinder process: Existence and connectivity phase transitions
Erik I. Broman, Olof Elias, Filipe Mussini, Johan Tykesson
págs. 2192-2243
Linear-quadratic control for a class of stochastic Volterra equations: Solvability and approximation
Eduardo Abi Jaber, Enzo Miller, Huyên Pham
págs. 2244-2274
Entropy dissipation estimates for inhomogeneous zero-range processes
Jonathan Hermon, Justin Salez
págs. 2275-2283
Coexistence of localized Gibbs measures and delocalized gradient Gibbs measures on trees
Florian Henning, Christof Külske
págs. 2284-2310
Non-universal fluctuations of the empirical measure for isotropic stationary fields on S 2 × R
Domenico Marinucci, Maurizia Rossi, Anna Vidotto
págs. 2311-2349
Branching diffusion representation for nonlinear Cauchy problems and Monte Carlo approximation
Pierre Henry-Labordère, Nizar Touzi
págs. 2350-2375
Many-server asymptotics for join-the-shortest-queue: Large deviations and rare events
Amarjit Budhiraja, Eric Friedlander, Ruoyu Wu
págs. 2376-2419
Asymptotic behaviour of the one-dimensional “rock–paper–scissors” cyclic cellular automaton
Benjamin Hellouin de Menibus, Yvan Le Borgne
págs. 2420-2440
Convergence of metadynamics: Discussion of the adiabatic hypothesis
Benjamin Jourdain, Tony Lelièvre, Pierre-André Zitt
págs. 2441-2477
Hypocoercivity of piecewise deterministic Markov process-Monte Carlo
Christophe Andrieu, Alain Durmus, Nikolas Nüsken, Julien Roussel
págs. 2478-2517
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