Two notions of unit distance graphs
Noga Alon, Andrey Kupavskii
págs. 1-17
On maximal chains in the non-crossing partition lattice
Ron M. Adin, Yuval Roichman
págs. 18-46
págs. 47-97
Distance-regular graphs of q-Racah type and the universal Askey�Wilson algebra
Paul Terwilliger, Arjana Zitnik
págs. 98-112
Moments of Askey�Wilson polynomials
Jang Soo Kim, Dennis Stanton
págs. 113-145
Bivariate generating functions for a class of linear recurrences: General structure
J. Fernando Barbero , María Jesús Salas García, Eduardo J.S. Villaseñor
págs. 146-165
Proof of a conjecture of Stanley-Zanello
Levent Alpoge
págs. 166-176
MacWilliams' Extension Theorem for bi-invariant weights over finite principal ideal rings
Marcus Greferath , Thomas Honold, Cathy Mc Fadden, Jay A. Wood, Jens Zumbrägel
págs. 177-193
On transversals of quasialgebraic families of sets
G. R. Chelnokov, V. L. Dol'nikov
págs. 194-213
Richard Ehrenborg, Margaret Readdy
págs. 214-239
On zero-sum subsequences of length k exp (G)
Weidong Gao, Dongchun Han, Jiangtao Peng, Fang Sun
págs. 240-253
The sorting index and equidistribution of set-valued statistics over restricted permutations
Svetlana Poznanovic
págs. 254-272
Proof of Blum's conjecture on hexagonal dungeons
Mihai Ciucu, Tri Lai
págs. 273-305
A coloring problem for infinite words
Aldo de Luca, Elena V. Pribavkina, Luca Q. Zamboni
págs. 306-332
The Freiman-Ruzsa theorem over finite fields
Chaim Even-Zohar, Shachar Lovett
págs. 333-341
A generalization of Newton's identity and Macdonald functions
Tommy Wuxing Cai, Naihuan Jing
págs. 342-356
págs. 357-378
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