págs. 229-246
Family of intersecting totally real manifolds of $(C^n, 0)$ and germs of holomorphic diffeomorphisms
Laurent Stolovitch
págs. 247-263
Cycle structure of the interchange process and representation theory
Nathanaël Berestycki, Gady Kozma
págs. 265-281
Milnor number of pairs and pencils of plane holomorphic germs
Adrian Szawlowski
págs. 283-299
Global infinite energy solutions for the cubic wave equation
Nicolas Burq, Laurent Thomann, Nikolay Tzvetkov
págs. 301-313
Contiuous mappings between spaces of arcs
Goulwen Fichou, Masahiro Shiota
págs. 315-337
Instabiblity of tyoe II blow up for the quintic nonlinear wave equation on $R^3+1$
Joachim Krieger, Joules Nahas
págs. 339-355
págs. 357-381
Log-uniruled affine varieties without cylinder-like open subsets
Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto
págs. 383-401
Rational Blanchfied forms, S-equivalence and null LP-surgeries
Delphine Moussard
págs. 403-431
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