On asymptotic stability of moving ground states of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Scipio Cuccagna
págs. 2827-2888
Relative entropies for convex bodies
Justin Jenkinson, Elisabeth M. Werner
págs. 2889-2906
Recovering the Elliott invariant from the Cuntz semigroup
Ramon Antoine Riolobos , Marius Dadarlat, Francesc Perera Domènech
, Luis Santiago
págs. 2907-2922
págs. 2923-2974
Multivariable averaging on sparse sets
Patrick LaVictoire, A. Parrish, J. Rosenblatt
págs. 2975-3025
Translating the Cantor set by a random real
Randall Dougherty, Jack H. Lutz , R. Daniel Mauldin, Jason Teutsch
págs. 3027-3041
Higher order extension of Löwner�s theory: Operator k -tone functions
Uwe Franz, Fumio Hiai, Eric Ricard
págs. 3043-3074
On simplicial resolutions of framed links
Fengchun Lei, Fengling Li, Jie Wu
págs. 3075-3093
Robust Hamiltonicity of Dirac graphs
Michael Krivelevich, Choongbum Lee, Benny Sudakov
págs. 3095-3130
New properties of multiple harmonic sums modulo p and p -analogues of Leshchiner�s series
Kh. Hessami Pilehrood, T. Hessami Pilehrood, Roberto Tauraso
págs. 3131-3159
Veech holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces, holomorphic sections, and Diophantine problems
Yoshihiko Shinomiya
págs. 3161-3190
Characterization of almost L p -eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator
Pratyoosh Kumar, Swagato K. Ray, Rudra P. Sarkar
págs. 3191-3225
págs. 3227-3239
págs. 3241-3273
Weighted inversion of general Dirichlet series
Helge Glöckner, Lutz G. Lucht
págs. 3275-3293
Heights on groups and small multiplicative dependencies
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
págs. 3295-3323
Yan X Zhang
págs. 3325-3355
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