Small BGK waves and nonlinear Landau damping (higher dimensions)
Zhiwu Lin, Chongchun Zeng
págs. 1711-1735
Large vorticity stable solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau Equations
Andres Contreras, Sylvia Serfaty
págs. 1737-1763
Xavier Buff, Adam L. Epstein, Sarah Koch
págs. 1765-1799
A decomposition for Hardy martingales
Paul F. X. Muller
págs. 1801-1816
Solutions to a free boundary problem of fluid-structure interaction
Igor Kukavica, Amjad Tuffaha
págs. 1817-1859
On compound vortices in a two-component Ginzburg-Landau functional
Stan Alama, Lia Bronsard, Petru Mironescu
págs. 1861-1909
On reduced amalgamated free products of C*-algebras and the MF property
Jonas Andersen Seebach
págs. 1911-1923
Conductor Sobolev-type estimates and isocapacitary inequalities
Joan Cerdà Martín , Joaquim Martín, Pilar Silvestre
págs. 1925-1947
Geometric configurations in the ring of integers modulo p^{ell}
David Covert, Alex Iosevich, Jonathan Pakianathan
págs. 1949-1969
Non-radial singular solutions of Lane-Emden equations in $R^N$
Edward N. Dancer, Zongming Guo, Juncheng Wei
págs. 1971-1996
págs. 1997-2018
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