Z 2 -Thurston norm and complexity of 3-manifolds
William P. Jacobs, J. Hyam Rubinstein, Stephan Tillmann
págs. 1-22
Singular gradient flow of the distance function and homotopy equivalence
Paolo Albano, Piermarco Cannarsa , Khai T. Nguyen, Carlo Sinestrari
págs. 23-43
Strengthening the cohomological crepant resolution conjecture for Hilbert�Chow morphisms
Wan Keng Cheong
págs. 45-72
Extracting invariants of isolated hypersurface singularities from their moduli algebras
M. G. Eastwood, Alexander V. Isaev
págs. 73-98
págs. 99-146
Necessary condition for eigensolutions of the 1-Laplace operator by means of inner variations
Zoja Milbers, Friedemann Schuricht
págs. 147-177
págs. 179-190
The Artin conjecture for some S 5 -extensions
Frank Calegari
págs. 191-207
On the sup-norm of Maass cusp forms of large level. III
Gergely Harcos, Nicolas Templier
págs. 209-216
Partial regularity at the first singular time for hypersurfaces evolving by mean curvature
Klaus Ecker
págs. 217-240
Sobolev regularity of the d -equation on the Hartogs triangle
Debraj Chakrabarti, Mei-Chi Shaw
págs. 241-258
On the stability of self-similar solutions of 1D cubic Schrödinger equations
S. Gutierrez, Luis Vega González
págs. 259-300
Solvability of one-dimensional phase field systems associated with grain boundary motion
K. Shirakawa, Humihiko Watanabe, N. Yamazaki
págs. 301-330
Density of rational curves on K3 surfaces
Xi Chen, James D. Lewis
págs. 331-354
Takayori Ono
págs. 355-372
Absolute continuity and existence of solutions to dynamic inclusions in time scales
Iguer L. D. Santos, Geraldo Nunes Silva
págs. 373-399
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