Duals of ideals in rings with zero divisors
Dawn B. McNair
págs. 1-26
págs. 27-46
On maximal non-valuation subrings
Mabrouk Ben Nasr, Noômen Jarboui
págs. 47-59
Tensorial structures associated with semisimple graded Lie algebras
Martín Méndez, Juan Francisco Torres Lopera
págs. 61-77
A second Main Theorem for moving hypersurface targets
Gerd Dethloff, Tran Van Tan
págs. 79-111
Equigeodesics on flag manifolds
Nir Cohen, Lino Grama, Caio J.C Negreiros
págs. 113-125
t-periodic light rays in conformally stationary spacetimes via Finsler geometry
Leonardo Biliotti, Miguel Angel Javaloyes
págs. 127-146
Distances generated by Barbilian's metrization procedure by oscillation of sublogarithmic functions
Bogdan D. Suceava
págs. 147-159
Approximation of center-valued Betti-numbers
Anselm Knebusch
págs. 161-180
págs. 181-202
págs. 203-232
B(H) lattices, density and arithmetic mean ideals
Victor Kaftal, Gary Weiss
págs. 233-283
págs. 285-295
págs. 297-309
A partial order on the set of continuous endomappings
Zhao Dongsheng
págs. 311-326
págs. 327-348
Editors Addendum on: Singularities of generic lightcone Gauss maps and lightcone pedal surfaces of spacelike curves in Minkowski 4-space (After the paper had already appeared in print, HJM Vol. 36(3) pp. 697-710)
Lingling Kong, Ruimei Gao, Jianhua Zhang
pág. 349
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