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Resumen de Study and research paths: a new tool for desA New tool for Design and Management of Project Based Learning in Engineeringign and management of project based learning in engineerin

Ignasi Florensa, Marianna Bosch Árbol académico, Josep Gascón Árbol académico, Carl Winslow

  • An open issue in Project and Problem Based Learning (PjBL and PBL) research is how the project topic or the ‘‘problem’’can be selected or constructed systematically. This issue has been investigated in the field of didactics of mathematics andone of the proposed teaching formats is ‘‘study and research paths’’ (SRPs) based on the principles of the AnthropologicalTheory of the Didactic (ATD). We hypothesize that the methodology for problem design and analysis associated to SRPscan enrich the application of Project and Problem Based Learning in engineering education. We conducted a case study onthe design and experimentation of an SRP, implemented in a course of General Linear Elasticity of a degree program inMechanical Engineering. The results show the potential of the SRP and its associated devices such as the Question-Answermaps to support the a priori design of a proposed project topic or problem. Q-A maps show to be useful both for teachersand students to describe and manage the knowledge involved. The SRP is compatible with the principles of PBL andenriches it with tools to explicitly deal with the design and preliminary analysis of project topics, as well as with the analysisof observed project work.

Fundación Dialnet

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