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Resumen de El estudio del conocimiento especializado de dos profesores de Álgebra Lineal

Diana Lucía Vasco Mora, Nuria Climent Rodríguez Árbol académico

  • español

    Con el modelo Mathematics teacher’s specialised knowledge (MTSK), ymediante un estudio de caso, analizamos episodios de clases sobrematrices, determinantes y sistemas de ecuaciones lineales de dosprofesores universitarios de álgebra lineal, con la finalidad decomprender el conocimiento que sustenta su práctica. Observamos unénfasis conceptual y procedimental con evidencias de conocimiento delos temas (KoT), relativo a procedimientos, fenomenología yaplicaciones, registros de representación, definiciones y propiedades;conocimiento de las características del aprendizaje de las matemáticas(KFLM), referente a dificultades de los estudiantes; y conocimiento de laenseñanza de las matemáticas (KMT), sobre ejemplos para laenseñanza.The Study of the Specialized Knowledge of two Linear AlgebraLecturersWith the Mathematics teacher's specialised knowledge (MTSK) model,and through a case study, we analyze episodes of classes on matrices,determinants and systems of linear equations of two Linear Algebrauniversity lecturers, in order to understand the knowledge that supportstheir practice. We notice a conceptual and procedural emphasis withevidences of knowledge of the topics (KoT), concerning procedures,phenomenology and applications, representations, definitions andproperties; knowledge of features of learning mathematics (KFLM),referring to students’ difficulties; and knowledge of mathematicsteaching (KMT), on teaching examples.

  • English

    With the Mathematics teacher's specialised knowledge (MTSK) model,and through a case study, we analyze episodes of classes on matrices,determinants and systems of linear equations of two Linear Algebrauniversity lecturers, in order to understand the knowledge that supportstheir practice. We notice a conceptual and procedural emphasis withevidences of knowledge of the topics (KoT), concerning procedures,phenomenology and applications, representations, definitions andproperties; knowledge of features of learning mathematics (KFLM),referring to students’ difficulties; and knowledge of mathematicsteaching (KMT), on teaching examples.

Fundación Dialnet

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