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Resumen de O piano matemático

Dorinda Mato Vázquez Árbol académico, Rocío Chao Fernández, Aurelio Chao

  • galego

    No contexto educativo estase a poñer moita énfase na interdisciplinariedade, na educación emocional, nas actitudes ou na motivación do alumnado. Porén, o noso sistema educativo adoece dunha preocupante falta de formación do profesorado nestes aspectos, nas propostas e materiais didácticos específicos para o ensino e na disposición de interrelacionar as diversas áreas do currículo. Neste traballo lévase a cabo unha proposta interdisciplinar para desenvolver nos escolares de Educación Infantil as capacidades musicais e matemáticas. A interacción de ambas materias axúdalle ao alumnado a acadar unha educación integral e non fragmentada.

  • English

    The interdisciplinary approach has gained interest in the educational context for the emotional education, attitudes and motivation of students. However, Spanish Education System suffers from a seriouslack of teacher training in proposals and specific instructional materials for teaching and willingness to interrelate the various areas of the curriculum. In this research, an interdisciplinary didactic proposal is carried out in order to develop in musical and mathematical abilities of Early Childhood students due to the interaction of both subjects The benefits of working an interdisciplinary song in math are innumerable and can help students succeed in associating concepts from both disciplines, achieving a comprehensive education.

Fundación Dialnet

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