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Los problemas persistentes relacionados con la congestión del tráfico, la seguridad vial y los problemas ambientales podrían resolverse si las personas, los vehículos, las infraestructuras y las empresas estuvieran conectadas en un... more
Los problemas persistentes relacionados con la congestión del tráfico, la seguridad vial y los problemas ambientales podrían resolverse si las personas, los vehículos, las infraestructuras y las empresas estuvieran conectadas en un ecosistema cooperativo. La creación de un ecosistema de este tipo ha sido clave en el proyecto TIMON de Horizonte 2020, donde es la base de referencia para la prestación de servicios de información relacionados con el tráfico y el transporte multimodal a los usuarios vulnerables de la red viaria y las personas responsables de la administración pública en materia de movilidad. El principal objetivo de TIMON es aumentar la seguridad, la sostenibilidad, la flexibilidad y la eficiencia de los sistemas de transporte por carretera aprovechando la comunicación cooperativa y procesando datos abiertos relacionados con la movilidad a través de una plataforma cooperativa abierta basada en la web y aplicación móvil desarrollada para ofrecer información y servicios a ...
Many services and commodities have been deployed in airport terminals to provide additional conveniences. About half of revenues of airports in Europe come from the on-site non-aeronautical services offered. For this reason, the... more
Many services and commodities have been deployed in airport terminals to provide additional conveniences. About half of revenues of airports in Europe come from the on-site non-aeronautical services offered. For this reason, the optimization of the existing resources is critical to maximize the profitability of the rented spaces. The main objective of this work is to present the design and development of a simulator that models and emulates the behavior of categorized groups of travelers. The behavior is quantified in relation to the time that such travelers spend in the airport and the use that they made of the different spaces. With this tool, the managers can simulate the influence of the deployment of different resources in such travelers’ behavior. A real case study is used to show the validity and promising results of the software tool.
Persistent problems related to traffic congestion, road safety and environmental challenges could be solved if people, vehicles, infrastructure and businesses were connected in a cooperative ecosystem. The creation of such an ecosystem... more
Persistent problems related to traffic congestion, road safety and environmental challenges could be solved if people, vehicles, infrastructure and businesses were connected in a cooperative ecosystem. The creation of such an ecosystem has been key in the Horizon 2020 TIMON project, where it is the baseline for delivering information services related to traffic and multimodal transport to road users and administration drivers. The main objective of TIMON is to increase the safety, sustainability, flexibility and efficiency of road transport systems by taking advantage of cooperative communication and by processing open data related to mobility through a cooperative, open web-based platform and mobile app developed to deliver information and services to drivers, businesses and Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) in real time. TIMON has built up a large, strong community of more than 100 users (citizens) in the city of Ljubljana and has directly benefited their daily mobility and transport in...
This paper describes a new cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) architecture which aim is to enable collaborative sensing services targeting to improve transportation efficiency and performance. This objective will be... more
This paper describes a new cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) architecture which aim is to enable collaborative sensing services targeting to improve transportation efficiency and performance. This objective will be carried out by applying a combination of cooperative applications and methods for data sensing, acquisition, processing and communication amongst road users, vehicles, infrastructures and related stakeholders.
ABSTRACT Enormous profits that item-level traceability for pharmaceutical drugs provides to society in terms of public health and ensuring access to medicines enforces some governments to require this feature to the different actors... more
ABSTRACT Enormous profits that item-level traceability for pharmaceutical drugs provides to society in terms of public health and ensuring access to medicines enforces some governments to require this feature to the different actors involved in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Other existing works have been designed without considering the difficulties of deploying traceability systems in the storehouses currently working. The system described in this paper is based on ITS technologies and aims to meet, specifically, the requirements set by the Ministry of Health of Spain, but minimizing the impact of deployment in existing pharmaceutical distributors.
ABSTRACT This paper describes an ICT solution based on an intelligent onboard system which is able to trace the organs inside a medical van during delivery routes to the hospitals, without altering the carriers daily tasks. The... more
ABSTRACT This paper describes an ICT solution based on an intelligent onboard system which is able to trace the organs inside a medical van during delivery routes to the hospitals, without altering the carriers daily tasks. The intelligent onboard system is able to ensure the safety of the cargo by means of a sensor network who permanently evaluates their status. The van understands its environment , including: its location, the temperature and the humidity of the transported organs; and can report incidences instantly via wireless communications to anyone interested. It is a non-intrusive solution which represents a successful experience of using smart environments in a viable way to resolve a real social and healthcare necessity.