NombreRubio Escudero, Cristina
DepartamentoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimientoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Categoría profesionalProfesora Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Tesis Doctoral

MOMIC: a Multi-Omics Pipeline for data analysis, integration and interpretation

Madrid Márquez, Laura; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Pontes Balanza, Beatriz; Sáez Goñi, María Eugenia (2022)
El éxito y la adaptación masiva de técnicas de high-throughput en las ciencias ómicas ha impulsado la biología de sistemas, ...
Tesis Doctoral

Metodología ensemble para clasificación ordinal y aplicación en el control de calidad del aceite de oliva

Vega Márquez, Belén; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (2022)
A día de hoy nos encontramos ante un nuevo paradigma que está revolucionando completamente la forma en la que vemos las ...

A new big data triclustering approach for extracting three-dimensional patterns in precision agriculture

Melgar García, Laura; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Godinho, María Teresa; Espada, Rita; Brito, Isabel Sofía; Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Elsevier, 2022)
Precision agriculture focuses on the development of site-specific harvest considering the variability of each crop ...

An Artificial Intelligence–Driven Digital Health Solution to Support Clinical Management of Patients With Long COVID-19: Protocol for a Prospective Multicenter Observational Study

Fuster Casanovas, Aina; Fernández Luque, Luis; Nuñez Benjumea, Francisco J.; Moreno Conde, Alberto; Luque Romero, Luis Gabriel; Bilionis, Ioannis; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Chicchi Giglioli, Irene Alice; Vidal Alaball, Josep (JMIR PUBLICATIONS, INC, 2022)
Background: COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the weaknesses of most health systems around the world, collapsing them ...

MOMIC: A multi-omics pipeline for data analysis, integration and interpretation

Madrid Márquez, Laura; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Pontes Balanza, Beatriz; González Pérez, Antonio; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; Sáez, María E. (MDPI, 2022)
Background and Objectives: The burst of high-throughput omics technologies has given rise to a new era in systems biology, ...

Generation of synthetic data with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Vega Márquez, Belén; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles (Oxford University Press, 2022)
The generation of synthetic data is becoming a fundamental task in the daily life of any organization due to the new ...

Rationale for Timing of Follow-Up Visits to Assess Gluten-Free Diet in Celiac Disease Patients Based on Data Mining

Rodríguez Herrera, Alfonso; Reyes Andrade, Joaquín; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (MDPI, 2021)
The assessment of compliance of gluten-free diet (GFD) is a keystone in the supervision of celiac disease (CD) patients. ...

Nearest Neighbors-Based Forecasting for Electricity Demand Time Series in Streaming

Melgar García, Laura; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Troncoso Lora, Alicia (Springer, 2021)
This paper presents a new forecasting algorithm for time series in streaming named StreamWNN. The methodology has two ...

A data mining based clinical decision support system for survival in lung cancer

Pontes Balanza, Beatriz; Núñez, Francisco; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Moreno, Alberto; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Moreno, Jesús; Cacicedo, Jon; Praena Fernández, Juan Manuel; Escobar Rodríguez, Germán Antonio; Parra, Carlos; Delgado León, Blas David; Rivin del Campo, Eleonor; Couñago, Felipe; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; López Guerra, José Luis (Via Médica Journals, 2021)
Background: A clinical decision support system (CDSS) has been designed to predict the outcome (overall survival) by ...

OCEAn: Ordinal classification with an ensemble approach

Vega Márquez, Belén; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Elsevier, 2021)
Generally, classification problems catalog instances according to their target variable with out considering the relation ...

Use of Deep Learning Architectures for Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting over Different Time Periods in the Spanish Electricity Market

Vega Márquez, Belén; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Arcos Vargas, Ángel (MDPI, 2021)
The importance of electricity in people’s daily lives has made it an indispensable commodity in society. In electricity ...

Discovering three-dimensional patterns in real-time from data streams: An online triclustering approach

Melgar García, Laura; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Troncoso Lora, Alicia (Elsevier, 2021)
Triclustering algorithms group sets of coordinates of 3-dimensional datasets. In this paper, a new triclustering approach ...

Generating a seismogenic source zone model for the Pyrenees: A GIS-assisted triclustering approach

Amaro Mellado, José Lázaro; Melgar García, Laura; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Gutiérrez Avilés, David (Elsevier, 2021)
Seismogenic source zone models, including the delineation and the characterization, still have a role to play in seismic ...

Discovering Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Precision Agriculture Based on Triclustering

Melgar García, Laura; Godinho, María Teresa; Espada, Rita; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Brito, Isabel Sofía; Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Springer, 2020)
Agriculture has undergone some very important changes over the last few decades. The emergence and evolution of precision ...

Coronavirus Optimization Algorithm: A Bioinspired Metaheuristic Based on the COVID-19 Propagation Model

Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Asencio Cortés, Gualberto; Torres, J. F.; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Melgar García, Laura; Pérez Chacón, R.; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; Troncoso Lora, Alicia (Mary Ann Liebert, 2020)
This study proposes a novel bioinspired metaheuristic simulating how the coronavirus spreads and infects healthy people. ...

High-Content Screening images streaming analysis using the STriGen methodology

Melgar García, Laura; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Troncoso Lora, Alicia (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020)
One of the techniques that provides systematic insights into biolog ical processes is High-Content Screening (HCS). It ...

Deep Learning Techniques to Improve the Performance of Olive Oil Classification

Vega Márquez, Belén; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Jurado Campos, Natividad; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Frontiers Editorial, 2020)
The olive oil assessment involves the use of a standardized sensory analysis according to the “panel test” method. However, ...

Using prior knowledge in the inference of gene association networks

Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Juan Antonio; Galván Rojas, José Luis; Vega Márquez, Belén; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Springer, 2020)
Traditional computational techniques are recently being improved with the use of prior biological knowledge from open ...

Convolutional Neural Networks for Olive Oil Classification

Vega Márquez, Belén; Carminati, Andrea; Jurado Campos, Natividad; Martín Gómez, Andrés; Arce Jiménez, Lourdes; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles (Springer, 2019)
The analysis of the quality of olive oil is a task that is hav-ing a lot of impact nowadays due to the large frauds that ...

Creation of Synthetic Data with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Vega Márquez, Belén; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles (Springer, 2019)
The generation of synthetic data is becoming a fundamental task in the daily life of any organization due to new protection ...

Implementation of an Internal Quality Assurance System at Pablo de Olavide University of Seville: Improving Computer Science Students Skills

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Martínez Álvarez, F.; Atencia Gil, E.; Troncoso Lora, Alicia (Springer, 2019)
This work describes how an internal quality assurance sys tem is deployed at Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, Spain, ...

A novel tree-based algorithm to discover seismic patterns in earthquake catalogs

Florido, E.; Asencio Cortés, G.; Aznarte, J.L.; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Martínez Álvarez, F. (Elsevier, 2018)
A novel methodology is introduced in this research study to detect seismic precursors. Based on an existing approach, the ...

Impact of Auto-evaluation Tests as Part of the Continuous Evaluation in Programming Courses

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Asencio Cortés, G.; Martínez Álvarez, F.; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Springer, 2018)
The continuous evaluation allows for the assessment of the progressive assimilation of concepts and the competences that ...

TRIQ: a new method to evaluate triclusters

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Giráldez Rojo, Raúl; Gil Cumbreras, Francisco Javier; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (BMC: part of Springer Verlag, 2018)
Background: Triclustering has shown to be a valuable tool for the analysis of microarray data since its appearance as an ...

PO-0859: Project S32: decision support system for lung cancer patients

López Guerra, José Luis; Pontes Balanza, Beatriz; Moreno, A.; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Núñez, F.J.; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Moreno, J.; Cacicedo, J.; Praena Fernández, Juan Manuel; Escobar Rodríguez, Germán Antonio; Parra, C.; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Elsevier, 2018)

Detección de cáncer de piel usando técnicas de aprendizaje profundo

Polvillo Hall, Alejandro; Álvarez García, Juan Antonio; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (AEPIA), 2018)
El aprendizaje profundo ha sido muy utilizado para la clasificación de imágenes a partir de la competición ImageNet en ...

Analysis of the Influence of Starting Materials and Processing Conditions on the Properties of W/Cu Alloys

Montealegre-Meléndez, Isabel; Arévalo Mora, Cristina María; Pérez-Soriano, Eva María; Neubauer, Erich; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Kitzmantel, Michael (MDPI, 2017)
In this work, a study of the influence of the starting materials and the processing time used to developW/Cu alloys is ...

Data Mining Techniques Applied to Hydrogen Lactose Breath Test

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Valverde Fernández, Justo; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Pontes Balanza, Beatriz; Hernández Mendoza, Yoedusvany; Rodríguez Herrera, Alfonso (Public Library of Science, 2017)
n this work, we present the results of applying data mining techniques to hydrogen breath test data. Disposal of H2 gas ...

Analysis of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Titanium-based composites reinforced by secondary phases and B4C particles produced via direct hot pressing

Montealegre-Meléndez, Isabel; Arévalo Mora, Cristina María; Ariza Galván, Enrique; Pérez-Soriano, Eva María; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Kitzmantel, Michael; Neubauer, Erich (MDPI, 2017)
In the last decade, titanium metal matrix composites (TMCs) have received considerable attention thanks to their interesting ...

Influence of sintering temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ reinforced titanium composites by inductive hot pressing

Arévalo Mora, Cristina María; Montealegre-Meléndez, Isabel; Ariza Galván, Enrique; Kitzmantel, Michael; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Neubauer, Erich (MDPI AG, 2016)
This research is focused on the influence of processing temperature on titanium matrix composites reinforced through Ti, ...

TRIQ: A Comprehensive Evaluation Measure for Triclustering Algorithms

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Springer, 2016)
Triclustering has shown to be a valuable tool for the analysis of microarray data since its appearance as an improvement ...
Tesis Doctoral

TrLab: Una metodología para la extracción y evaluación de patrones de comportamiento de grandes volúmenes de datos biológicos dependientes del tiempo

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (2015)
La tecnología de microarray ha revolucionado la investigación biotecnológica gracias a la posibilidad de monitorizar los ...

Ethnic difference in risk of toxicity in prostate cancer patients treated with dynamic arc radiation therapy

López Guerra, José Luis; Matute, Raúl; Puebla, Fernando; Sánchez Reyes, Alberto; Pontes Balanza, Beatriz; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Acevedo, Catalina; Isa, Nicolás; Lengua, Rafael; Praena Fernández, Juan Manuel; Rivin del Campo, Eleonor; Ortíz, María José; Azinovic, Ignacio (SAGE Publications, 2015)
Aims and background: The objective of this study was to assess the influence of ethnicity on toxicity in patients treated ...

MSL: A Measure to Evaluate Three-dimensional Patterns in Gene Expression Data

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (SAGE Publications, 2015)
Microarray technology is highly used in biological research environments due to its ability to monitor the RNA concentration ...

A Novel Method for Seismogenic Zoning Based on Triclustering: Application to the Iberian Peninsula

Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Morales Esteban, Antonio; Reyes, Jorge; Amaro Mellado, José Lázaro; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (MDPI, 2015)
A previous definition of seismogenic zones is required to do a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for areas of spread ...

LSL: A new measure to evaluate triclusters

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (IEEE Computer Society, 2014)
Microarray technology has led to a great advance in biological studies due to its ability to monitorize the RNA levels of ...

PO-0723: Data mining tools for predicting the risk of toxicity in prostate cancer patients treated with radiation therapy

Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; López Guerra, José Luis; Matute, Raúl; Pontes Balanza, Beatriz; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Puebla, F.; Praena Fernández, Juan Manuel; Ortiz Gordillo, María José; Azinovic, Ignacio (Elsevier, 2014)

TriGen: A genetic algorithm to mine triclusters in temporal gene expression data

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Elsevier, 2014)
Analyzing microarray data represents a computational challenge due to the characteristics of these data. Clustering techniques ...

Mining 3D Patterns from Gene Expression Temporal Data: A New Tricluster Evaluation Measure

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Hindawi, 2014)
Microarrays have revolutionized biotechnological research.The analysis of newdata generated represents a computational ...

Determining the best set of seismicity indicators to predict earthquakes. Two case studies: Chile and the Iberian Peninsula

Martínez Álvarez, F.; Reyes, J.; Morales Esteban, Antonio; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Elsevier, 2013)
This work explores the use of different seismicity indicators as inputs for artificial neural networks. The combination ...

On the use of algorithms to discover motifs in DNA sequences

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Martínez Ballesteros, María del Mar; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (IEEE, 2011)
Many approaches are currently devoted to find DNA motifs in nucleotide sequences. However, this task remains challenging ...

Mining Quantitative Association Rules in Microarray Data Using Evolutive Algorithms

Martínez Ballesteros, María del Mar; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal; Martínez Álvarez, Francisco (SciTePress, 2011)
The microarray technique is able to monitor the change in concentration of RNA in thousands of genes simultaneously. The ...

Triclustering on TemporaryMicroarray Data using the TriGen Algorithm

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (IEEE, 2011)
The analysis of microarray data is a computational challenge due to the characteristics of these data. Clustering techniques ...
Capítulo de Libro

Revisiting the Yeast Cell Cycle Problem with the Improved TriGen Algorithm

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (IEEE, 2011)
Analyzing microarray data represents a computational challenge due to the characteristics of these data. Clustering ...
Capítulo de Libro

Unravelling the Yeast Cell Cycle Using the TriGen Algorithm

Gutiérrez Avilés, David; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Riquelme Santos, José Cristóbal (Springer, 2011)
Analyzing microarray data represents a computational challenge due to the characteristics of these data. Clustering ...

Optimization of multi-classifiers for computational biology: application to gene finding and expression

Romero Zaliz, Rocío; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Zwir, Igor; Val, Coral del (Springer, 2010)
Genomes of many organisms have been sequenced over the last few years. However, transforming such raw sequence data into ...

Pattern recognition to forecast seismic time series

Morales Esteban, Antonio; Martínez Álvarez, F.; Troncoso Lora, Alicia; Justo, J. L.; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Elsevier, 2010)
Earthquakes arrive without previous warning and can destroy a whole city in a few seconds, causing numerous deaths ...
Capítulo de Libro

Learning Robust Dynamic Networks in Prokaryotes by Gene Expression Networks Iterative Explorer (GENIE)

Harari, Óscar; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Traverso, Patricio; Santos, Marcelo; Zwir, Igor; Krasnogor, Natalio; Nicosia, Giuseppe; Pavone, Mario; Pelta, David (Springer, 2008)
Genetic and genomic approaches have been used successfully to assign genes to distinct regulatory networks, but the ...

Classification of Gene Expression Profiles: Comparison of K-means and Expectation Maximization Algorithms

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Martínez Álvarez, Francisco; Romero Zaliz, Rocío; Zwir, Igor (IEEE Computer Society, 2008)
Biomedical research has been revolutionized by high throughput techniques and the enormous amount of data they are able ...

Boolean Networks : a Study on Microarray Data Discretization

Velarde, Cyntia; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Romero Zaliz, Rocío (Centro de Soft Computing, 2008)
Biomedical research has been revolutionized by high-throughput techniques and the enor mous amount of biological data they ...

A Multiobjective Evolutionary Conceptual Clustering Methodology for Gene Annotation Within Structural Databases: A Case of Study on the Gene Ontology Database

Romero Zaliz, Rocío C.; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Perren Cobb, J.; Herrera, Francisco; Cordón, Óscar; Zwir, Igor (IEEE Computer Society, 2008)
Current tools and techniques devoted to examine the content of large databases are often hampered by their inability to ...

Modeling Genetic Networks: Comparison of Static and Dynamic Models

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Harari, Óscar; Cordón, Óscar; Zwir, Igor (Springer, 2007)
Biomedical research has been revolutionized by high-throughput techniques and the enormous amount of biological data they ...

Targeting Differentially Co-regulated Genes by Multiobjective and Multimodal Optimization

Harari, Óscar; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Zwir, Igor (Springer, 2007)
A critical challenge of the postgenomic era is to understand how genes are differentially regulated in and between genetic ...

Identifying the promoter features governing differential kinetics of co-regulated genes using fuzzy expressions

Romero Zaliz, Rocío; Harari, Óscar; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Zwir, Igor (IEEE Computer Society, 2007)
One of the biggest challenges in genomics is the elucidation of the design principles controlling gene expression. Current ...

satDNA Analyzer 1.2 as a Valuable Computing Tool for Evolutionary Analysis of Satellite-DNA Families: Revisiting Y-Linked Satellite-DNA Sequences of Rumex (Polygonaceae)

Navajas Pérez, Rafael; Ruiz Rejón, Manuel; Garrido Ramos, Manuel; Aznarte, José Luis; Rubio Escudero, Cristina (Springer, 2007)
In a previous paper [1] we showed that Y-linked satellite-DNA sequences of Rumex (Polygonaceae) present reduced rates of ...

Optimal Selection of Microarray Analysis Methods Using a Conceptual Clustering Algorithm

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Romero Zaliz, Rocío; Cordón, Óscar; Harari, Óscar; Val, Coral del; Zwir, Igor (Springer, 2006)
The rapid development of methods that select over/under expressed genes from microarray experiments have not yet matched ...

Mining Structural Databases: An Evolutionary Multi-Objetive Conceptual Clustering Methodology

Romero Zaliz, Rocío; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Cordón, Óscar; Harari, Óscar; Val, Coral del; Zwir, Igor (Springer, 2006)
The increased availability of biological databases contain ing representations of complex objects permits access to vast ...

Fusion of Domain Knowledge for Dynamic Learning in Transcriptional Networks

Harari, Óscar; Romero Zaliz, Rocío; Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Zwir, Igor (Springer, 2006)
A critical challenge of the postgenomic era is to understand how genes are differentially regulated even when they belong ...

Decision making association rules for recognition of differential gene expression profiles

Rubio Escudero, Cristina; Val, Coral del; Cordón, Óscar; Zwir, Igor (Springer, 2006)
The rapid development of methods that select over/under expressed genes from RNA microarray experiments have not yet ...