NombreGalindo Duarte, José Ángel
DepartamentoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimientoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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A Monte Carlo tree search conceptual framework for feature model analyses

Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Heradio, Ruben; Fernández Amorós, David; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ElSevier, 2023)
Challenging domains of the future such as Smart Cities, Cloud Computing, or Industry 4.0 expose highly variable systems ...

Variability-aware data migration tool

Romero Organvidez, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022)
Relational databases are widely present in the development of soft ware applications. A typical implementation can be seen ...

Advisory: vulnerability analysis in software development project dependencies

Márquez Trujillo, Antonio Germán; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Gómez López, María Teresa; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022)
ecurity has become a crucial factor in the development of soft ware systems. The number of dependencies in software ...

Variability in Data Visualization: a Software Product Line Approach

Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022)
Data visualization aims to effectively communicate quantitative information by understanding which techniques and displays ...

FM fact label: a configurable and interactive visualization of feature model characterizations

Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Pinto, Mónica; Fuentes, Lidia; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022)
Recognizing specific characteristics of feature models (FM) can be challenging due to the different nature and domains of ...
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Análisis de vulnerabilidades en las dependencias de proyectos de desarrollo software

Márquez Trujillo, Antonio Germán; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (2022)
Security has become a crucial factor in the development of software systems. The number of dependencies in software systems ...

Uniform and scalable sampling of highly configurable systems

Heradio, Ruben; Fernández Amorós, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Batory, Don (Springer, 2022)
Many analyses on confgurable software systems are intractable when confronted with colossal and highly-constrained ...

Uniform and scalable sampling of highly configurable systems (Correction)

Heradio, Ruben; Fernández Amorós, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Batory, Don (Springer, 2022)
Tesis Doctoral

Configuration Analysis for Large Scale Feature Models: Towards Speculative-Based Solutions

Vidal Silva, Cristian; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (2021)
Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas de software en los que la gestión de la variabilidad es una actividad ...

Empirical Evidence of the Usage of Programming Languages in the Educational Process

Vinueza Morales, Mariuxi; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
Contribution: A systematic literature review on the empirical evidence regarding the usage of programming languages for ...

Discovering configuration workflows from existing logs using process mining

Ramos Gutiérrez, Belén; Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Gómez López, María Teresa; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Springer, 2021)
Variability models are used to build configurators, for guiding users through the configuration process to reach the desired ...

A first prototype of a new repository for feature model exchange and knowledge sharing

Romero, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021)
Feature models are the “de facto” standard for variability modelling and are used in both academia and industry. The MODEVAR ...

Classifying and resolving software product line redundancies using an ontological first-order logic rule based method

Bhushan, Megha; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Samant, Piyush; Kumar, Ashok; Negi, Arun (Elsevier, 2021)
Software product line engineering improves software quality and diminishes development cost and time by efficiently ...

DirectDebug: Automated Testing and Debugging of Feature Models

Le, Viet-Man; Felfernig, Alexander; Uta, Mathias; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Tran, Thi Ngoc Trang (Cornell University, 2021)
Variability models (e.g., feature models) are a common way for the representation of variabilities and commonalities of ...

Una herramienta para aplicar técnicas de Montecarlo al análisis de modelos de características

Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Márquez Trujillo, Antonio Germán; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2021)
La mayoría de los sistemas configurables describen un amplio espacio de soluciones que hacen intratable su exploración ...

Monte Carlo Tree Search for Feature Model Analyses: a General Framework for Decision-Making

Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Heradio, Ruben; Fernández Amorós, David; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021)
The colossal solution spaces of most configurable systems make intractable their exhaustive exploration. Accordingly, ...

DirectDebug: A software package for the automated testing and debugging of feature models

Le, Viet-Man; Felfernig, Alexander; Tran, Thi Ngoc Trang; Atas, Müslüm; Uta, Mathias; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (Elsevier, 2021)
Complex and large-scale feature models can become faulty, i.e., do not represent the expected variability properties of ...

Monte Carlo Simulations for Variability Analyses in Highly Configurable Systems

Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Márquez, A. Germán; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, 2021)
Highly configurable systems expose numerous variation points to be configured by the stakeholders. Deciding which variant to ...
Tesis Doctoral

Enhancing the learning of programming using Scratch: a recommender-systems-based approach in non WEIRD communities

Cárdenas Cobo, Jessenia del Pilar; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (2020)
In today’s world, there is a growing need for professionals with computer skills in general, and programming in particular. ...

Recommender Systems and Scratch: An integrated approach for enhancing computer programming learning

Cárdenas Cobo, Jessenia del Pilar; Puris, Amilkar; Novoa Hernández, Pavel; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
Learning computer programming is a challenging process. Among the current approaches for overcoming this challenge, visual ...

Uniform and scalable SAT-sampling for configurable systems

Heradio, Ruben; Fernández Amorós, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020)
Several relevant analyses on configurable software systems remain intractable because they require examining vast and ...

Automated Completion of Partial Configurations as a Diagnosis Task Using FastDiag to Improve Performance

Vidal Silva, Cristian; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Giráldez Cru, Jesús; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Springer, 2020)
The completion of partial configurations might represent an expensive computational task. Existing solutions, such as those ...

Empirical software product line engineering: A systematic literature review

Chacón Luna, Ana Eva; Gutiérrez, Antonio Manuel; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Elsevier, 2020)
Context: The adoption of Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is usually only based on its theoretical benefits instead ...

Open Source Adoption Factors-A Systematic Literature Review

Rea Sánchez, Víctor; Neira Ayuso, Pablo; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
Nowadays, Free/Libre/OpenSource Software (FLOSS) is becoming a strategic option for many organizations in the public and ...

A Parallelized Variant of Junker’s QUICKXPLAIN Algorithm

Vidal Silva, Cristian; Felfernig, Alexander; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Atas, Müslüm; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Springer, 2020)
Conflict detection is used in many scenarios ranging from interactive decision making to the diagnosis of potentially ...

Configuration assisted through conversational agents (chatbots and voicebots)

Alfonso, Nicolás; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Università degli Studi di Padova, 2020)

Functional Testing of Conflict Detection and Diagnosis Tools in Feature Model Configuration: A Test Suite Design

Vidal Silva, Cristian; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Università degli Studi di Padova, 2020)
Tesis Doctoral

On the selection and analysis of software product line implementation components using intelligent techniques

Rodas Silva, Jorge Luis; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (2019)
En los últimos años y con el creciente avance tecnológico, las empresas ya no se centran exclusivamente en diseñar un ...

Process Mining to Unleash Variability Management: Discovering Configuration Workflows Using Logs

Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Ramos Gutiérrez, Belén; Gómez López, María Teresa; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2019)
Variability models are used to build configurators. Configurators are programs that guide users through the configuration ...

RESDEC: Online Management Tool for Implementation Components Selection in Software Product Lines Using Recommender Systems

Rodas Silva, Jorge Luis; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; García Gutiérrez, Jorge; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019)
Software product lines (SPL) management is one of the most im portant activities for the software engineer and it represents ...

Variability Management in a Software Product Line Unaware Company: Towards a Real Evaluation

Chacón Luna, Ana Eva; Ruiz, Elvira G.; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019)
Software Product Lines (SPL) enable systematic reuse within an organization thus, enabling the reduction of costs, efforts, ...

Modeling Variability in the Video Domain: Language and Experience Report

Alférez, Mauricio; Acher, Mathieu; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Baudry, Benoit; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Springer, 2019)
In an industrial project, we addressed the challenge of developing a software-based video generator such that consumers ...

Selection of Software Product Line Implementation Components Using Recommender Systems: An Application to Wordpress

Rodas Silva, Jorge Luis; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; García Gutiérrez, Jorge; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (IEEE Computer Society, 2019)
In software products line (SPL), there may be features which can be implemented by different components, which means there ...

Towards a New Repository for Feature Model Exchange

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019)
Feature models are one of the most important contributions to the field of software product lines, feature oriented software ...

A general approach to Software Product Line testing

Ruiz, Elvira G.; Ayerdi, Jon; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Arrieta, Aitor; Sagardui, Goiuria; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2019)
Variability is a central concept in Software Product Lines (SPLs). It has been extensively studied how the SPL paradigm ...

Automated analysis of two-layered feature models with feature attributes

Lettner, Michael; Rodas, Jorge; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Elsevier, 2019)
The proliferation of features and platforms in variability intensive systems, coupled with substantial technolo-gical ...

Replication of Studies in Empirical Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study, From 2013 to 2018

Cruz Risco, Margarita; Bernárdez Jiménez, Beatriz; Durán Toro, Amador; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2019)
Context: In any discipline, replications of empirical studies are necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge. In ...

Variabilidad en visualización de datos: retos y posibilidades

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Ruiz, Elvira G.; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2019)
Los sistemas de visualización de la información nos permiten visualizar datos usando abstracciones de los mismos, por ...

Automated analysis of feature models: Quo vadis?

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Trinidad Martín Arroyo, Pablo; Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (Springer, 2018)
Feature models have been used since the 90's to describe software product lines as a way of reusing common parts in a ...

MOTIV: selección de pruebas para algoritmos de detección de movimiento en vídeos usando técnicas de líneas de productos software

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Alférez, Mauricio; Acher, Mathieu; Baudry, Benoit; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2018)
Las líneas de producto software se usan para gestionar la producción de sistemas software con un alto grado de variabilidad ...

Automated analysis of feature models: current state and practices

Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2018)
Software Product Lines (SPLs) are about developing a set of different software products that share some common functionality. ...

Selección de configuraciones de despliegue usando Sistemas de Recomendación en Android

Rodas, Jorge L.; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Soriano, Robert (, 2018)
Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas de software que describen una gran cantidad de configuraciones. Gestionar ...

Anytime diagnosis for reconfiguration

Felfernig, Alexander; Rouven, Walter; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Polat Erdeniz, Seda; Atas, Müslüm; Reiterer, Stefan (Springer, 2018)
Many domains require scalable algorithms that help to determine diagnoses efficiently and often within predefined time ...

RESDEC: Un prototipo de herramienta para la selección de configuraciones de despliegue basada en Sistemas de Recomendación

Rodas, Jorge L.; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2018)
Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas que representan cientos de configuraciones distintas. En un contexto ...

VaryLATEX: Learning Paper Variants That Meet Constraints

Acher, Mathieu; Temple, Paul; Jézéquel, Jean-Marc; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Martínez, Jabier; Ziadi, Tewfik (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018)
How to submit a research paper, a technical report, a grant pro posal, or a curriculum vitae that respect imposed constraints ...

Reverse engineering language product lines from existing DSL variants

Méndez Acuña, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Combemale, Benoit; Blouin, Arnaud; Baudry, Benoit (Elsevier, 2017)
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) has become a successful technique to develop complex sys tems. In this context, ...

Fostering a consistent SPL service ecosystem

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Fernández Montes, Pablo (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2017)
Nowadays, Software Product Line (SPL) researchers and practi tioners have a diversity of Automated Analysis of Feature ...

Cómo gestionan la variabilidad las empresas que no conocen de líneas de producto software: hacia una evaluación real

Chacón Luna, Ana Eva; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2017)
Las líneas de producto software tienen como prioridad alcanzar la reutilización sistemática dentro de una organización ...

Exploiting the Enumeration of All Feature Model Configurations

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Acher, Mathieu; Tirado, Juan Manuel; Vidal, Cristian; Baudry, Benoit; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM, 2016)
.Feature models are widely used to encode the configurations of a software product line in terms of mandatory, optional ...

Reverse-Engineering Reusable Language Modules from Legacy Domain-Specific Languages

Méndez Acuña, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Combemale, Benoit; Blouin, Arnaud; Baudry, Benoit; Le Guernic, Gurvan (Springer, 2016)
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) has become a successful technique in the development of complex systems. ...

Using Machine Learning to Infer Constraints for Product Lines

Temple, Paul; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Acher, Mathieu; Jézéquel, Jean-Marc (ACM, 2016)
Variability intensive systems may include several thousand features allowing for an enormous number of possible ...

El uso de modelos de características con atributos para pruebas en sistemas de alta variabilidad: primeros pasos

Vinueza Morales, Mariuxi; Rodas, Jorge L.; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2016)
Los modelos de características con atributos representan todos los productos de una línea de productos junto con información ...

Testing variability-intensive systems using automated analysis: an application to Android

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Turner, Hamilton; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; White, Jules (Springer, 2016)
Software product lines are used to develop a set of software products that, while being different, share a common set of ...

Leveraging Software Product Lines Engineering in the development of external DSLs: A systematic literature review

Méndez Acuña, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Degueule, Thomas; Combemale, Benoit; Baudry, Benoit (Elsevier, 2016)
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) has become a successful technique in the development of complex systems. ...

Industrial Experience Report on the Formal Specification of a Packet Filtering Language Using the K Framework

Le Guernic, Gurvan; Combemale, Benoit; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (Open Publishing Association., 2016)
Many project-specific languages, including in particular filtering languages, are defined using nonformal specifications ...

Traceability Analyses between Features and Assets in Software Product Lines

Khandu Narwane, Ganesh; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Narayanan Krishna, Shankara; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Millo, Jean-Vivien; Ramesh, S. (MDPI, 2016)
In a Software Product Line (SPL), the central notion of implementability provides the requisite connection between ...

Hacia el uso de sistemas de recomendación en sistemas de alta variabilidad

Rodas, Jorge L.; Olivares, Javier; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2016)
Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas software cuyo comportamiento puede ser personalizado de acuerdo con las ...

Puzzle: A Tool for Analyzing and Extracting Specification Clones in DSLs

Méndez Acuña, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Combemale, Benoit; Blouin, Arnaud; Baudry, Benoit (Springer, 2016)
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) is a successful technique in the development of complex systems. Indeed, the ...
Tesis Doctoral

Evolution, testing and configuration of variability intensive systems

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Baudry, Benoit; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (2015)
One of the key characteristics of software is its ability to be adapted and configured to different scenarios. Recently, ...

Mixing of Join Point Interfaces and Feature-Oriented Programming for Modular Software Product Line

Vidal, Cristian; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Leger, Paul; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Fukuda, Hiroaki (ACM, 2015)
Feature-oriented programming (FOP) and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) focus on to modularize incremental classes behavior ...

An assessment of search-based techniques for reverse engineering feature models

López Herrejón, Roberto E.; Linsbauer, Lukas; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Egyed, Alexander (Elsevier, 2015)
Successful software evolves from a single system by adding and changing functionality to keep up with users’ demands and ...

Hacia las pruebas en sistemas de alta variabilidad utilizando opiniones de los usuarios

Rodas, Jorge L.; Méndez Acuña, David; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Cárdenas, Jessenia (HAL-Inria, 2015)
Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas de software que describen una gran cantidad de configuraciones. Este elevado ...

Exploring the Synergies between Join Point Interfaces and Feature-Oriented Programming

Vidal Silva, Cristian; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Leger, Paul (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2015)
Feature-oriented programming FOP, and aspect-oriented programming AOP have been used to develop modular software product ...

Supporting distributed product configuration by integrating heterogeneous variability modeling approaches

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Dhungana, Deepak; Rabiser, Rick; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Botterweck, Goetz; Grünbacher, Paul (Elsevier, 2015)
Context In industrial settings products are developed by more than one organization. Software vendors and suppliers ...

JPI Feature Models: Exploring a JPI and FOP Symbiosis for Software Modeling

Vidal Silva, Cristian; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Leger, Paul; Villaroel, Rodolfo; Valenzuela, Sebastián (IEEE Computer Society, 2015)
Looking for a complete modular software development paradigm, this article presents Join Point Interface JPI Feature Models, ...

Variability management in an unaware software product line company: an experience report (Slide)

Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (VaMOS Workshops, 2014)

A Variability-Based Testing Approach for Synthesizing Video Sequences

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Alférez, Mauricio; Acher, Mathieu; Baudry, Benoit; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (ACM, 2014)
A key problem when developing video processing software is the di culty to test di erent input combinations. In this paper, ...

Variability Management in an unaware software product line company: An experience report

Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (ACM, 2014)
Software product line adoption is a challenging task in software development organisations. There are some reports in the ...

Evolving feature model configurations in software product lines

White, Jules; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Saxena, Tripti; Dougherty, Brian; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Schmidt, Douglas C. (Elsevier, 2014)
The increasing complexity and cost of software-intensive systems has led developers to seek ways of reusing software ...

ViViD: A Variability-Based Tool for Synthesizing Video Sequences

Acher, Mathieu; Alférez, Mauricio; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Romenteau, Pierre; Baudry, Benoit (ACM, 2014)
We present ViViD, a variability-based tool to synthesize variants of video sequences. ViViD is developed and used in the ...

Automated Analysis of Diverse Variability Models with Tool Support

Roos Frantz, Fabricia; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2014)
Over the past twenty years, there have been many contributions in the area of automated analysis of variability models. ...

Integrating Heterogeneous Variability Modeling Approaches with Invar [Tool Demonstration]

Dhungana, Deepak; Seichter, Dominik; Botterweck, Goetz; Rabiser, Rick; Grünbacher, Paul; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (ACM, 2013)
There have been several proposals to describe the variability of software product lines by using modeling languages. In ...

Towards Anomaly Explanation in Feature Models

Felfernig, Alexander; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Reinfrank, Florian (CEUR-WS, 2013)
Feature models are a wide-spread approach to variability and commonality management in software product lines. Due to the ...

Automated Analysis in Feature Modelling and Product Configuration

Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Felfernig, Alexander; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Reinfrank, Florian (Springer, 2013)
The automated analysis of feature models is one of the thriving topics of research in the software product line and ...

FaMa-OVM: A Tool for the Automated Analysis of OVMs

Roos Frantz, Fabricia; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ACM, 2012)
Orthogonal Variability Model (OVM) is a modelling language for representing variability in Software Product Line Engineering. ...

Reverse Engineering Feature Models with Evolutionary Algorithms: An Exploratory Study

López Herrejón, Roberto E.; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Egyed, Alexander (Springer, 2012)
Successful software evolves, more and more commonly, from a single system to a set of system variants tailored to meet the ...

BeTTy: Benchmarking and Testing on the Automated Analysis of Feature Models

Segura Rueda, Sergio; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ACM, 2012)
The automated analysis of feature models is a ourishing research topic that has called the attention of both researchers and ...

BeTTy: Un Framework de Pruebas para el Análisis Automático de Modelos de Características

Segura Rueda, Sergio; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Parejo Maestre, José Antonio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2012)
El análisis automático de modelos de características es un área de investigación activo que ha llamado la atencíon de ...

Configuration of Multi Product Lines by Bridging Heterogeneous Variability Modeling Approaches

Dhungana, Deepak; Seichter, Dominik; Botterweck, Goetz; Rabiser, Rick; Grünbacher, Paul; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel (IEEE Computer Society, 2011)
In industrial settings, products are rarely built by one organization alone. Software vendors and suppliers typically maintain ...

Debian Packages Repositories as Software Product Line Models. Towards Automated Analysis

Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Segura Rueda, Sergio (2010)
The automated analysis of variability models in general and feature models in particular is a thriving research topic. ...