Intellectual Capital and Balanced Scorecard: impact of Learning and Development Programs using Key Performance Indicators in Manufacturing Environment

Rafael Sánchez Márquez, José Miguel Albarracín Guillem, Eduardo Vicens-Salort, José Jabaloyes Vivas


Within the current context, the Intellectual Capital has been unveiled as one of the Key drivers for companies’ long-term profitability and sustainability. This paper proposes a new methodology using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the Balanced Scorecard of a Manufacturing Company to confirm the impact of Learning and Development Programs in the actual performance of the organization. Statistical Multivariate and Multiple Regression techniques are applied as a systemic approach using KPIs to firstly analyze and confirm the impact of Learning & Development and secondly to design the best strategy for short term financial results and long term sustainability. The proposed methodology was applied in a Manufacturing Company to confirm its validity in practical terms.

Palabras clave

Intellectual Capital (IC); Learning & Development Programs (L&DPs); Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); Decision Making; Performance Management System (PMS); Competence

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