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Resumen de Stereoscopic user interfaces

Luis Diego Gonzalez Zuniga

  • The present work is PhD research done in the field of stereoscopic graphical user interfaces. It evaluates the current state of 3D technology and the state of the art trends in the area and translates them to software applications. The main objective is to study how 3D depth can enhance a GUI application, by having an aesthetic and utilitarian function. Independent of medium, our main focus is to provide efficient tools and techniques that apply to the interface design process to add depth to it. In this vein we work with web, desktop, gestural technologies and perception UX studies with the intention of documenting both user reactions and innovative software implementations.

    The present thesis documents our 4 year effort in the field of stereoscopic graphical user interface. We walk through the foundations of the stereo theory and the state of the technology. We then approach several phases of a GUI creating pipeline: from sketching prototypes to measuring the perceived depth effect. We built frameworks and plugins that go hand to hand with the current technology stack and allow other developers and enthusiasts to create both stereoscopic 3D GUIs and VR applications.

Fundación Dialnet

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