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El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) destaca la importancia del aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado así como la importancia de incorporar nuevas metodologías en las enseñanzas universitarias, donde se promueve la adquisición y... more
El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) destaca la importancia del aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado así como la importancia de incorporar nuevas metodologías en las enseñanzas universitarias, donde se promueve la adquisición y desarrollo de competencias en investigación y difusión de los conocimientos generados. El presente artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos tras la realización de un simulacro de congreso científico en la Universidad de Huelva, como estrategia metodológica para poder realizar un entrenamiento en transferencia del conocimiento con el alumnado de las titulaciones de Enfermería, Historia, Educación y Filología Inglesa, en el curso 2010/11. La evaluación de esta experiencia revela que se produjo una mejora notable en las competencias comunicativas del alumnado a través de un aprendizaje motivador. Además, ésta estrategia didáctica favorece el desarrollo de la creatividad, la reflexión crítica, la comunicación y el trabajo en equipo, favoreciendo el apren...
One of the many areas in which artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are used is the development of systems for the recognition of vital emotions to control human health and safety. This study used biometric sensors in a multimodal... more
One of the many areas in which artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are used is the development of systems for the recognition of vital emotions to control human health and safety. This study used biometric sensors in a multimodal approach to capture signals in the recognition of stressful situations. The great advances in technology have allowed the development of portable devices capable of monitoring different physiological measures in an inexpensive, non-invasive, and efficient manner. Virtual reality (VR) has evolved to achieve a realistic immersive experience in different contexts. The combination of AI, signal acquisition devices, and VR makes it possible to generate useful knowledge even in challenging situations in daily life, such as when driving. The main goal of this work is to combine the use of sensors and the possibilities offered by VR for the creation of a system for recognizing stress during different driving situations in a vehicle. We investigated the feasibil...
Research Interests:
The predominant means of communication is speech; however, there are persons whose speaking or hearing abilities are impaired. Communication presents a significant barrier for persons with such disabilities. The use of deep learning... more
The predominant means of communication is speech; however, there are persons whose speaking or hearing abilities are impaired. Communication presents a significant barrier for persons with such disabilities. The use of deep learning methods can help to reduce communication barriers. This paper proposes a deep learning-based model that detects and recognizes the words from a person’s gestures. Deep learning models, namely, LSTM and GRU (feedback-based learning models), are used to recognize signs from isolated Indian Sign Language (ISL) video frames. The four different sequential combinations of LSTM and GRU (as there are two layers of LSTM and two layers of GRU) were used with our own dataset, IISL2020. The proposed model, consisting of a single layer of LSTM followed by GRU, achieves around 97% accuracy over 11 different signs. This method may help persons who are unaware of sign language to communicate with persons whose speech or hearing is impaired.
The paradigm of Learning Object provides Educators and Learners with the ability to access an extensive number of learning resources. To do so, this paradigm provides different technologies and tools, such as federated search platforms... more
The paradigm of Learning Object provides Educators and Learners with the ability to access an extensive number of learning resources. To do so, this paradigm provides different technologies and tools, such as federated search platforms and storage repositories, in order to obtain information ubiquitously and on demand. However, the vast amount and variety of educational content, which is distributed among several repositories, and the existence of various and incompatible standards, technologies and interoperability layers among repositories, constitutes a real problem for the expansion of this paradigm. This study presents an agent-based architecture that uses the advantages provided by Cloud Computing platforms to deal with the open issues on the Learning Object paradigm.
E-Commerce is a business form that has grown in popularity in our society. E-Commerce applications are so consolidated in a certain kind of areas, and also have a very promising road in many others. In this way, new technologies have been... more
E-Commerce is a business form that has grown in popularity in our society. E-Commerce applications are so consolidated in a certain kind of areas, and also have a very promising road in many others. In this way, new technologies have been applied to give an adequate response to this kind of software. One of these technologies is the agent technology that has found in the e-commerce one of the major application area. Our work is devoted to develop an e-commerce system that is especially thought for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), where several enterprises share a common mediated e-commerce site. Concretely, in this paper we present an e-commerce architecture definition proposal that is based on an agent-oriented technology, but also compliant with our past work in this area. This architecture establishes the basis for our future work on e-commerce solutions development, making near the e-business world to the small enterprises.
ABSTRACT Recommender systems have become essential in many web sites, especially in the e-commerce area; however, they are not extended enough in some domains. In this work, a recommender system for TV series is presented due to the... more
ABSTRACT Recommender systems have become essential in many web sites, especially in the e-commerce area; however, they are not extended enough in some domains. In this work, a recommender system for TV series is presented due to the increasing interest for this kind of products. The system implements a methodology that deals with the most important problems of recommender systems.
Blockchain technology is used as a distributed ledger to store and secure data and perform transactions between entities in smart grids. This paper proposes a platform based on blockchain technology and the multi-agent system paradigm to... more
Blockchain technology is used as a distributed ledger to store and secure data and perform transactions between entities in smart grids. This paper proposes a platform based on blockchain technology and the multi-agent system paradigm to allow for the creation of an automated peer-to-peer electricity market in micro-grids. The use of a permissioned blockchain network has multiple benefits as it reduces transaction costs and enables micro-transactions. Moreover, an improvement in security is obtained, eliminating the single point of failure in the control and management of the platform along with creating the possibility to trace back the actions of the participants and a mechanism of identification. Furthermore, it provides the opportunity to create a decentralized and democratic energy market while complying with the current legislation and regulations on user privacy and data protection by incorporating Zero-Knowledge Proof protocols and ring signatures.
Actas de los trabajos de TFM del Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes 2017-2018[ES]El Máster Oficial en Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad de Salamanca tiene como principal objetivo promover la iniciación de los estudiantes... more
Actas de los trabajos de TFM del Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes 2017-2018[ES]El Máster Oficial en Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad de Salamanca tiene como principal objetivo promover la iniciación de los estudiantes en el ámbito de la investigación. El congreso organizado por el Departamento de Informática y Automática que se celebra dentro del Máster en Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad de Salamanca proporciona la oportunidad ideal para que sus estudiantes presenten los principales resultados de sus Trabajos de Fin de Máster y obtengan una realimentación del interés de los mismos. La duodécima edición del workshop Avances en Informática y Automática, correspondiente al curso 2017-2018, ha sido un encuentro interdisciplinar donde se han presentado trabajos pertenecientes a un amplio abanico de líneas de investigación. Todos los trabajos han sido supervisados por investigadores de reconocido prestigio pertenecientes a la Universidad de Salamanca, proporcio...
Memoria ID-0076. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2017-2018
Memoria ID-0091. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2016-2017.
[ES]La usabilidad es el grado en que un producto puede ser utilizado por los usuarios para lograr sus propósitos con efectividad, eficiencia y satisfacción en un determinado contexto de uso (ISO 9241-11). Se trata de conseguir productos... more
[ES]La usabilidad es el grado en que un producto puede ser utilizado por los usuarios para lograr sus propósitos con efectividad, eficiencia y satisfacción en un determinado contexto de uso (ISO 9241-11). Se trata de conseguir productos que sean más fáciles de usar y que satisfagan mejor las necesidades reales de los clientes. Un diseño no es en sí mismo usable, lo es para usuarios específicos en contextos de uso específicos. Son varias las razones que nos llevan a realizar esfuerzos encaminados a cuidar los aspectos de usabilidad. No cabe duda de que un sitio Web con una buena usabilidad mejora su posición frente a sus competidores. En cualquier tipo de producto es deseable la facilidad de uso pero esto es especialmente importante en la Web, en la que un usuario que no se sienta cómodo o que encuentre dificultades para desenvolverse tiene una gran facilidad para buscar otro sitio que responda mejor a sus expectativas (recuérdese el tópico: “en la Web la competencia está a un clic de distancia”). En este capítulo se presentan bases sobre las que se asienta esta tecnología.[EN]Usability is the degree to which a product can be used by users to achieve their purposes with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a given context of use (ISO 9241-11). The aim is to achieve products that are easier to use and that better meet the real needs of customers. A design is not in itself usable, it is usable for specific users in specific contexts of use. There are several reasons that lead us to make efforts to take care of usability aspects. There is no doubt that a website with good usability improves its position in front of its competitors. Ease of use is desirable in any type of product, but this is especially important in the Web, where a user who does not feel comfortable or who finds it difficult to navigate has a great facility to find another site that better meets their expectations (remem-ber the topic: "on the Web the competition is a click away"). In this chapter we present the bases on which this technology is based
The paper presents a personal training system that allows the user to use non-verbal communication techniques that help him improve his way of speaking in public. The tool is a software solution that implements algorithms to identify... more
The paper presents a personal training system that allows the user to use non-verbal communication techniques that help him improve his way of speaking in public. The tool is a software solution that implements algorithms to identify elements of non-verbal communication (NVC), such as the positions of the head, hands and trunk of the users making use of cascading classifiers. It presents the developed technology and the different characteristics of the application that is an important part of the treatment in artificial vision techniques in the detection of NVC and its training.
La expansión de mecanismos para la gestión electrónica (emanagement) tiene su base en la optimización de las tecnologías aplicadas a la resolución de cualquiera de sus procesos de negocio de una forma eficaz. Las aplicaciones de gestión... more
La expansión de mecanismos para la gestión electrónica (emanagement) tiene su base en la optimización de las tecnologías aplicadas a la resolución de cualquiera de sus procesos de negocio de una forma eficaz. Las aplicaciones de gestión electrónica solventan problemas de gestión diseminada, aúnan y abarcan aspectos tan básicos como los mecanismos electrónicos de gestión soportada fundamentalmente por el avance en las herramientas informatizadas de gestión. El artículo describe el desarrollo de una aplicación Web de gestión colaborativa para un Centro Rural Agrupado (C.R.A.). Dicha aplicación además de soportar toda la gestión del centro educativo es capaz de realizar una labor informativa y comunicativa tanto al personal docente, como a los alumnos y a sus padre
Research Interests:
Abstract Following data ethics and respecting the clients’ privacy, the banking environment can use the client data that is available to them to offer personalized services to its clients. Intelligent recommender systems can support this... more
Abstract Following data ethics and respecting the clients’ privacy, the banking environment can use the client data that is available to them to offer personalized services to its clients. Intelligent recommender systems can support this attempt through specialized technological architectures. This article proposes the inclusion of CEBRA (CasE-Based Reasoning Application), a case-based reasoning system oriented to commercial banking, in a Fog Computing architecture coordinated by virtual agents. Throughout this article, the model of this architecture is presented and its life cycle is described, and improvements are proposed through the incorporation of several techniques in the retrieve and reuse phases, including the extraction of interests expressed by users on their social network profiles and collaborative filtering systems. A comprehensive case study has been carried out and a dataset of 60,000 cases has been generated to evaluate CEBRA. As a result, the Recommender System is presented, by including, the recommendation algorithm and a REST interface for its use. The recommendations are based on the user’s profile, previous ratings and/or additional knowledge such as the user’s contextual information. The proposal takes advantage of contextual information to support the promotion of banking and financial products, improving user satisfaction.
Actas del 13o. Seminario de la International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), celebrado en Salamanca el 26 de marzo de 2007, sobre las nuevas lineas de investigacion en la interaccion hombre-maquina, gestion del conocimiento... more
Actas del 13o. Seminario de la International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), celebrado en Salamanca el 26 de marzo de 2007, sobre las nuevas lineas de investigacion en la interaccion hombre-maquina, gestion del conocimiento y ensenanza por la Web.
The transport and logistics sector, by its nature, requires an intensive and efficient exchange of data for effective management and decision-making. The maritime sector requires a special treatment due to the complex and heterogeneous... more
The transport and logistics sector, by its nature, requires an intensive and efficient exchange of data for effective management and decision-making. The maritime sector requires a special treatment due to the complex and heterogeneous environment. The rapid adoption of IoT technologies in the naval industry will facilitate the effective management of primary services, including vessel tracking, emissions control, predictive maintenance, safety and welfare. This article describes IoT solutions adapted to the current needs of the sector. The proposals are aligned with the SMARTSEA project, which aims to develop an interactive MSc course on Maritime and Surveyor ICT/IoT systems, helping complete the market void in technical and maintenance specialists generated by the prompt expansion of the Smart Maritime & Surveying industry.
The aim of this article is to highlight the benefits of implementing an active learning methodology in classes delivered to engineering degree students in Spain. The proposed teaching methodology has been designed for subjects with... more
The aim of this article is to highlight the benefits of implementing an active learning methodology in classes delivered to engineering degree students in Spain. The proposed teaching methodology has been designed for subjects with assessable practices and a high number of students in Computer Engineering degrees. The methodology is based on the redefinition of roles in the work assessment process where collaborative learning methods are incorporated. The idea of this approach is that students work closely together to learn from each other and that they are responsible for their own learning and that of fellow classmates. Moreover, they learn from participating in the process of assessing the work of their peers. This research describes the implementation of this technology and its promising results. Students increase their activity because they assume the role of solver of the proposed assignment in pair programming and also as evaluator of those of others due peers’ protocol. The ...
Page 1. AYUDAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA PARA LA INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE PARA EL CURSO 2008/2009 MEMORIA FINAL PROYECTO ID/0047 Autoaprendizaje Interactivo para la Materia “Sistemas Operativos” en el Marco del EEES ...
Page 1. 2º Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador Interacción'2001 Salamanca, 16, 17 y 18 de mayo de 2001 ISBN: 84-7800-874-8 Experiencia docente mediante nuevas tecnologías: integración del ordenador en... more
Page 1. 2º Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador Interacción'2001 Salamanca, 16, 17 y 18 de mayo de 2001 ISBN: 84-7800-874-8 Experiencia docente mediante nuevas tecnologías: integración del ordenador en un laboratorio de electrónica AB Gil, Á. ...
RESUMEN La creación de contenidos o recursos educativos hipermedia de calidad, destinados a satisfacer la creciente demanda de cursos orientados a una e-formación, es uno de los problemas con los que se encuentra este sector. Las... more
RESUMEN La creación de contenidos o recursos educativos hipermedia de calidad, destinados a satisfacer la creciente demanda de cursos orientados a una e-formación, es uno de los problemas con los que se encuentra este sector. Las herramientas de autor están pensadas para facilitar esta labor creativa, pero la realidad demuestra una escena que es especialmente desalentadora para muchos docentes, al encontrarse que estas herramientas están pensadas para un usuario con amplios conocimientos en informática, debido fundamentalmente a que implementan un modelo de interacción muy complejo que en la mayoría de los casos excede con creces las necesidades de estos usuarios. Con objeto de paliar este problema se ha desarrollado HyCo (Hypertex Composer), una herramienta de autor que implementa un modo de operación muy sencillo, donde el modelo de interacción ha sido pedagógicamente diseñado para rescatar a estos autores que, con amplio potencial y experiencia, no se acaban de integrar en este m...
Patents can become indicators of various social, economic or technological aspects, and this is why an analysis of these documents is of our interest. This paper proposes a platform that retrieves, analyses and visualizes functionalities... more
Patents can become indicators of various social, economic or technological aspects, and this is why an analysis of these documents is of our interest. This paper proposes a platform that retrieves, analyses and visualizes functionalities that represent data on the landscape of patents obtained from the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM).
El Simposio Internacional de Informatica Educativa, que se celebra anual y alternativamente en Espana y Portugal, ofrece un foro internacional para la presentacion y debate de los ultimos avances en investigacion sobre la aplicacion a la... more
El Simposio Internacional de Informatica Educativa, que se celebra anual y alternativamente en Espana y Portugal, ofrece un foro internacional para la presentacion y debate de los ultimos avances en investigacion sobre la aplicacion a la Educacion de las Tecnologias de la Informacion y las Comunicaciones (TIC). El contenido del CD, seleccionado de entre las contribuciones presentadas a este X Simposio, se organiza en torno a las sesiones que tuvieron lugar: Plenarias. Sesion 1. Diseno y evaluacion del software educativo; S2. Gestion educativa y tutorias; S3. Software educativo e inclusion (I); S4. Objetos de aprendizaje (I); S5. Evaluacion de los alumnos; S6. Teorias pedagogicas y software educativo; S7. Objetos de aprendizaje (II); S8. Software educativo para algoritmos y estructuras de datos; S9. IA en educacion; S10. Seguimiento de la actividad de los alumnos; S11. Laboratorios virtuales; S12. Formacion de profesores en las TIC; S13. Software educativo e inclusion (II); S14. Obje...

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This study proposes AIREH (Architecture for Intelligent Retrieval of Educational content in Heterogeneous Environments) that is a model for the development of digital content retrieval based on the paradigm of virtual organizations of... more
This study proposes AIREH (Architecture for Intelligent Retrieval of Educational content in Heterogeneous Environments) that is a model for the development of digital content retrieval based on the paradigm of virtual organizations of intelligent agents Learning objects have made it possible to create digital resources that can be reused in various didactic units. These resources are stored in repositories, and thus require a search process that allows them to be located and retrieved.
Research Interests:
This study proposes AIREH (Architecture for Intelligent Retrieval of Educational content in Heterogeneous Environments) that is a model for the development of digital content retrieval based on the paradigm of virtual organizations of... more
This study proposes AIREH (Architecture for Intelligent Retrieval of Educational content in Heterogeneous Environments) that is a model for the development of digital content retrieval based on the paradigm of virtual organizations of intelligent agents Learning objects have made it possible to create digital resources that can be reused in various didactic units. These resources are stored in repositories, and thus require a search process that allows them to be located and retrieved.
Research Interests: