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Susana Nieto-Isidro
    A proposal to promote the use of the Mathematica system (a commercial program of symbolic calculation of great power and with excellent graphical capabilities) between teachers and engineering students at the Higher Polytechnic School of... more
    A proposal to promote the use of the Mathematica system (a commercial program of symbolic calculation of great power and with excellent graphical capabilities) between teachers and engineering students at the Higher Polytechnic School of Zamora is presented. This proposal aims at taking advantage of all the possibilities given by the campus license provided by the University of Salamanca for the entire university community, which in our opinion is being underused, particularly by students. The project includes initiatives aimed at both teachers and students in a total of 21 academic subjects from six Engineering Degrees. Among the activities that have been carried out it can be mentioned the formation of an inter-departmental community of users and developers, the offering of free training courses for teachers, the dissemination of Mathematica applications in various fields of mathematics and engineering through publications and presentations at conferences, practices in the compute...
    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006.Esta labor está financiada por los Gobiernos Central (Proyecto de... more
    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006.Esta labor está financiada por los Gobiernos Central (Proyecto de Investigación CGL2005-06600-CO3-01/CLI) y Autonómico (Junta de Castilla y León, Proyecto de Investigación SA039A05)
    Se orienta el analisis de la variabilidad espacio-temporal de las series de precipitacion estacional mediante la separacion del estudio de su variabilidad temporal y su variabilidad espacial. Para el estudio de la variabilidad temporal,... more
    Se orienta el analisis de la variabilidad espacio-temporal de las series de precipitacion estacional mediante la separacion del estudio de su variabilidad temporal y su variabilidad espacial. Para el estudio de la variabilidad temporal, se desarrolla un modelo temporal, local, centrado en los datos que proporciona las oscilaciones significativas, estables e independientes del metodo de analisis espectral utilizado. Se estudia el resultado de la aplicacion del modelo a los periodos estacionales de invierno, primavera y otono, y se justifica mediante un estudio de coherencia con distintos indices climaticos. Para el estudio de variabilidad espacial se obtienen regionalizaciones dadas por el metodo de Analisis de Componentes principales y se comparan con las distribuciones espaciales de los indices teleconectivos. Se desarrolla un modelo regional que incorpora la informacion espacio-temporal y la dada por los indices, y se estudian las predicciones de precipitacion para 1998 dadas pro ...
    Presentamos una experiencia de integración de figuras geométricas planas en el Aula de Educación Física con un grupo de 2º de Educación Primaria, utilizando dos planteamientos (externo/interno) y un total de cuatro niveles, encuadrados en... more
    Presentamos una experiencia de integración de figuras geométricas planas en el Aula de Educación Física con un grupo de 2º de Educación Primaria, utilizando dos planteamientos (externo/interno) y un total de cuatro niveles, encuadrados en un esquema narrativo adaptado a la edad de los niños. El planteamiento externo propone el uso de material, y presenta dos niveles: la manipulación del material propio del gimnasio (cuerdas, colchonetas, aros, etc.) y el uso de plantillas geométricas como material de trabajo y elemento de juego. El planteamiento interno trabaja con el propio cuerpo de los niños y presenta dos niveles: la representación individual de figuras geométricas y la generación de figuras geométricas en grupo. Se ha trabajado primero con círculos, triángulos y cuadrados, y posteriormente se comparan entre sí los cuadriláteros (cuadrados, rectángulos y rombos). Destacamos el caso del rombo y las dificultades que ha presentado en su representación individual y en grupo.
    In the third edition of the "Evaluation in education and guidance" track, we move forward with the presentation of research works dealing with the topics of assessment methodology of digital skills, assessment methodology of... more
    In the third edition of the "Evaluation in education and guidance" track, we move forward with the presentation of research works dealing with the topics of assessment methodology of digital skills, assessment methodology of mathematics skills, e-assessment to e-learning, evaluation of the educational system, large-scale assessments, innovation in e-assessment, international models in program evaluation in education and feedback and feedforward in evaluation. Nowadays, educational evaluation constitutes a key element to improve the quality of any programme or, in its broadest sense, the quality of the education system as a whole. In this track, we seek to share methodologies and research results about diverse assessment objects, whose aim is to improve the education system, both at University and non-university levels. On the other hand, this track will present some research experiences in the fields of evaluation and educational guidance. In addition, many of the work considered as support technology evaluation processes in education. In this presentation paper, we describe the advances that have been made in a line of research on educational assessment between the years 2006 and 2016, within the research Group on "Evaluation in education and guidance", integrated in the GRIAL group and the University Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Salamanca (Spain).
    Memoria ID12-0085. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2012-2013.
    Memoria ID-0067. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2014-2015.
    Memoria ID-0045. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2015-2016.
    At the Polytechnic School of Zamora (University of Salamanca, Spain), an initiative has been carried out to improve the basic mathematical knowledge of new-entry engineering students. In order to reach this objective, a diagnosis of the... more
    At the Polytechnic School of Zamora (University of Salamanca, Spain), an initiative has been carried out to improve the basic mathematical knowledge of new-entry engineering students. In order to reach this objective, a diagnosis of the situation was firstly made, based on the results of an initial mathematical knowledge questionnaire completed by all first-year students of six engineering degrees. After analyzing the results of this test and the main mistakes made by the students, the appropriate content was selected, and an online course was designed and made available to all students groups. As a model for this initiative, it was used a pilot course that the authors had formerly developed for a small number of mechanical engineering students coming from Vocational Modules. This pilot course, which was voluntary for those students, had excellent results, both in academic achievements and involvement. However, the general course, although it reached more than 10 times the number of...
    Memoria ID-202. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2018-2019.
    Memoria ID11-210. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2011-2012.
    Presentamos una experiencia de integracion de figuras geometricas planas en el Aula de Educacion Fisica con un grupo de 2o de Educacion Primaria, utilizando dos planteamientos (externo/interno) y un total de cuatro niveles, encuadrados en... more
    Presentamos una experiencia de integracion de figuras geometricas planas en el Aula de Educacion Fisica con un grupo de 2o de Educacion Primaria, utilizando dos planteamientos (externo/interno) y un total de cuatro niveles, encuadrados en un esquema narrativo adaptado a la edad de los ninos. El planteamiento externo propone el uso de material, y presenta dos niveles: la manipulacion del material propio del gimnasio (cuerdas, colchonetas, aros, etc.) y el uso de plantillas geometricas como material de trabajo y elemento de juego. El planteamiento interno trabaja con el propio cuerpo de los ninos y presenta dos niveles: la representacion individual de figuras geometricas y la generacion de figuras geometricas en grupo. Se ha trabajado primero con circulos, triangulos y cuadrados, y posteriormente se comparan entre si los cuadrilateros (cuadrados, rectangulos y rombos). Destacamos el caso del rombo y las dificultades que ha presentado en su representacion individual y en grupo.
    Memoria ID-0312. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2014-2015.
    In this study, an analysis was made of the correspondences and/or discrepancies between observed winter precipitation data and the data from ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM3 climatic models, and we analyse the relation between precipitation and... more
    In this study, an analysis was made of the correspondences and/or discrepancies between observed winter precipitation data and the data from ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM3 climatic models, and we analyse the relation between precipitation and atmospheric dynamics, using the sea level pressure data from the models. As regards the climatic models considered, in general the results point to their suitability for describing the spatial distribution of winter precipitation, whereas the spectral association is less appropriate. Key words: Climatic Models, validation, variability patterns, seasonal precipitation, sea level pressure. 1. INTRODUCCIÓN 1.1. Estado actual de la modelización climática La generación de modelos climáticos es actualmente uno de los principales empeños de las organizaciones climáticas nacionales e internacionales. Existen diversos proyectos en marcha, no sólo para la creación de modelos con diferentes características, sino para la generación de escenarios futuros con condi...
    Los alumnos universitarios de nuevo ingreso en titulaciones de ingenieria cometen en sus examenes y trabajos escritos diferentes fallos en los procedimientos matematicos y presentan habitualmente diversos errores sistematicos de concepto... more
    Los alumnos universitarios de nuevo ingreso en titulaciones de ingenieria cometen en sus examenes y trabajos escritos diferentes fallos en los procedimientos matematicos y presentan habitualmente diversos errores sistematicos de concepto y de desarrollo. Estos errores se refieren generalmente a destrezas matematicas que deben ser aprendidas en niveles previos a la Universidad, y que no han sido adquiridas adecuadamente por los alumnos. En esta experiencia se utiliza una estrategia didactica que consiste en recopilar y clasificar los principales errores cometidos por los propios estudiantes, y utilizar estos errores como tema principal de una sesion explicativa especifica, de tipo participativo, que sirve de �entrenamiento� activo antes de la realizacion de las pruebas escritas. Los resultados muestran una mejora en el porcentaje de errores para los procedimientos que han sido entrenados activamente. Ademas, el porcentaje de errores de los procedimientos que no han sido entrenados ac...
    En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de innovacion en un primer curso de Grado en Ingenieria. La innovacion se ha articulado utilizando una hora de duplicacion de los grupos, denominada “seminario”, que presenta caracteristicas de... more
    En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de innovacion en un primer curso de Grado en Ingenieria. La innovacion se ha articulado utilizando una hora de duplicacion de los grupos, denominada “seminario”, que presenta caracteristicas de flexibilidad interna, de organizacion y de uso de espacios, que la hacen adecuada para este proposito. Para realizar una evaluacion lo mas completa posible, se han tenido en cuenta tanto las calificaciones obtenidas por los alumnos en la evaluacion continua y final, como las encuestas de evaluacion de la satisfaccion del alumnado realizadas por la Universidad, y un test de satisfaccion con el profesorado y la asignatura desarrollado de forma especifica.
    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto que la formación del profesorado de Educación Primaria (EP) sobre Competencia Informacional (CI) tiene sobre su alumnado. Inicialmente, se evalúa la CI Auto-percibida y Observada de 18... more
    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto que la formación del profesorado de Educación Primaria (EP) sobre Competencia Informacional (CI) tiene sobre su alumnado. Inicialmente, se evalúa la CI Auto-percibida y Observada de 18 docentes de EP en las dimensiones Búsqueda, Evaluación, Procesamiento y Comunicación de la Información. Se constata una sobrevaloración de la CI Auto-percibida frente a la Observada, especialmente en la Evaluación de la Información. Posteriormente se aplica un programa formativo validado sobre CI a 13 docentes de 5º y 6º de EP, analizando los efectos en la CI Observada de dichos docentes y sus 161 estudiantes. Se confirma la mejora en la CI Observada, con aumentos inferiores en Evaluación y Procesamiento en los docentes y en Evaluación y Comunicación en los alumnos. La Evaluación de la Información aparece como una dimensión crítica, difícil de mejorar con la formación y de transmitir a los escolares.
    This paper presents a proposal based in the graphical capabilities as a programming language of the system Mathematica in order to improve the mathematical knowledge and the visualization skills of first-year engineering students. By... more
    This paper presents a proposal based in the graphical capabilities as a programming language of the system Mathematica in order to improve the mathematical knowledge and the visualization skills of first-year engineering students. By means of the dynamic contents of the command Manipulate this initiative tries to improve the comprehension of some algebraic contents related with the Euclidean geometry, more specifically, the relative position of two or three straight lines on the plane. To achieve this objective, it has been developed a specific procedure divided into two parts. The first of them allows students to fix the parameters of a straight line on the plane and to modify dynamically (by using a cursor) the parameters of a second straight line between some pre-specified values, which can also be modified by the user. Both lines are represented simultaneously on a window, which offers immediate information about the relative position, and which also gives the value of the distance between the lines if they are parallel, or the coordinates of their common point if they cross. In a second step, the procedure has been extended to fix two straight lines and to visualize and analyze dynamically the behavior of a third line and its relative position with respect to the previous two lines. This proposal aims to help teachers of mathematics to make their students to have a better understanding of these algebraic concepts: it allows visualizing the consequences of variations in any of the parameters of a straight line, and obtains dynamically and immediately the relative positions of two or more straight lines.
    This paper describes a strategy carried out in the Polytechnic School of Zamora (University of Salamanca, Spain) in order to reduce the number of questions which remained unanswered on math examinations at first engineering courses.... more
    This paper describes a strategy carried out in the Polytechnic School of Zamora (University of Salamanca, Spain) in order to reduce the number of questions which remained unanswered on math examinations at first engineering courses. Within the classroom group of students, a subgroup of students having mathematical difficulties was detected and established as an experimental group, remaining the rest of the students as a control group. An active and participatory work methodology based on paper-and-pencil exercises was carried out with this experimental group. Under the professor's guidance and supervision, but essentially being themselves the main actors, these students should work in extra classroom sessions using exams and reports from previous years, confronting the mathematical difficulties in a progressive way until reaching their full understanding. The results of the experience show an important increase of the students' assistance to examinations, an improvement of qualifications, and an important and statistically significant decrease of questions which stayed unanswered compared with the control group. Overall, both students and the teacher consider that these participatory classes constitute a useful strategy to encourage students' confidence in their capabilities, and to address the subject with a better chance of success. The quantitative data presented validate these claims.
    Memoria ID11-022. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2011-2012.
    El proyecto e-MATE (Ense??anza de las Matem??tica en red) se ha llevado a cabo como un proyecto global del Departamento de Matem??tica Aplicada con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a los retos que la ense??anza de las Matem??ticas... more
    El proyecto e-MATE (Ense??anza de las Matem??tica en red) se ha llevado a cabo como un proyecto global del Departamento de Matem??tica Aplicada con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a los retos que la ense??anza de las Matem??ticas tiene en nuestra ...
    Memoria ID-215. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovacion docente, curso 2013-2014.
    In this study an analysis was made of the correspondences and/or discrepancies between observed winter precipitation data and the data from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis project The data used correspond to the accumulated winter precipitation... more
    In this study an analysis was made of the correspondences and/or discrepancies between observed winter precipitation data and the data from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis project The data used correspond to the accumulated winter precipitation (december, january and february) for the Iberian Peninsula and for the period 1949-2000, and comparison of the mean and variability patterns were analysed. Moreover, a study is made using the data for sea level pressure of the reanalysis in order to analize the influence of the circulation patterns of the northern hemisphere on winter precipitation in the Iberian peninsula. The methods used were: principal components analysis to break down variability and reduce the dimensions of the fields, and correlation and cross-spectrum analyses for comparison of the time series. Palabras clave Precipitación, presión a nivel del mar, reanálisis, validación 1. INTRODUCCIÓN
    Precipitation changes over the Iberian peninsula are investigated using the data of the World Climate Research Program, Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 (WCRP-CMIP3. The trends of precipitation corresponding to multi-models... more
    Precipitation changes over the Iberian peninsula are investigated using the data of the World Climate Research Program, Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3 (WCRP-CMIP3. The trends of precipitation corresponding to multi-models of the future scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 were compared with the trend of the 20C3M experiment. We will present results about the changes of relationships between precipitation and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the correlation patterns between precipitation and Sea Level Pressure. A decrease in precipitation due to more positive phases in the NAO and an intensification of the Iberian precipitation response to the NAO changes under warmer climate were found.
    Research Interests:
    ABSTRACT In this paper, we describe the main characteristics and results obtained by a virtual tool specially designed to minimize the mathematical errors and to improve the mathematical knowledge of a group of students from Vocational... more
    ABSTRACT In this paper, we describe the main characteristics and results obtained by a virtual tool specially designed to minimize the mathematical errors and to improve the mathematical knowledge of a group of students from Vocational Training Modules who access to engineering studies at the University of Salamanca (Spain).
    ABSTRACT Functions of two variables appear frequently in engineering studies. Students have particular difficulties in understanding how the graphs of these functions are. This paper presents a sequential mode to analyze and reconstruct... more
    ABSTRACT Functions of two variables appear frequently in engineering studies. Students have particular difficulties in understanding how the graphs of these functions are. This paper presents a sequential mode to analyze and reconstruct the graphical information in a function of two variables, up to display its three-dimensional image. This is done by representing the cuts of the graph of the function with a family of horizontal planes, but placing each contour line in the corresponding sectional plane. Cuts of the graph of the function with different vertical planes are also shown: those with parallel planes to the axial ones, OYZ and OXZ, and those with vertical planes through the axis OZ. The combined display of all these curves produces a much better idea of how the graph of the function under study is.
    In this paper, the ability of model outputs from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to describe the natural internal variability of precipitation observations is evaluated. The analysis is focused on the Iberian... more
    In this paper, the ability of model outputs from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to describe the natural internal variability of precipitation observations is evaluated. The analysis is focused on the Iberian Peninsula for December–February (DJF). The study was performed with observed data from National Meteorological Institutes, reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research, teleconnection indices, and model simulations. First, the seasonal cycle, mean winter pattern, and tendency for nine model simulations were evaluated. Then, four models were selected to obtain interannual variability and to diagnose the links between precipitation and large-scale circulation. This intercomparison is based on the modes obtained by the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and spectral analyses to investigate the temporal properties of the most significant spatial patterns. The models well reproduce the observed ...
    C. RODRIGUEZ-PUEBLAa,*, AH ENCINASb, S. NIETOb and J. GARMENDIAa a Departmento Fisica de la Atmosfera, Uni6ersidad de Salamanca, Spain b Departmento de Estadistica y Matematica Aplicadas, Uni6ersidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain ...... more
    C. RODRIGUEZ-PUEBLAa,*, AH ENCINASb, S. NIETOb and J. GARMENDIAa a Departmento Fisica de la Atmosfera, Uni6ersidad de Salamanca, Spain b Departmento de Estadistica y Matematica Aplicadas, Uni6ersidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain ... Recei6ed 26 No6ember ...
    ABSTRACT Universities today offer many courses where the study materials can be obtained online through different mechanisms. The terms e-learning and b-learning are being overshadowed by u-learning (ubiquitous learning), since the... more
    ABSTRACT Universities today offer many courses where the study materials can be obtained online through different mechanisms. The terms e-learning and b-learning are being overshadowed by u-learning (ubiquitous learning), since the learning scenario is any place and any device that can be used to get the materials. The task of preparing the appropriate materials in this new context cannot be addressed individually and, consequently, international collaborative process can be very fruitful. The main goal is to adapt the study materials for using in several Universities, with official recognition for any University involved in the collaborative process and with agreements with other Universities interested in the use of such materials. We will present an ongoing experience which involves the National Technological University (UTN) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Spanish universities: Salamanca University (USAL) and Pontificia Comillas University (UPCOMILLAS) in Madrid. The authors of this paper have updated a virtual Multivariable Calculus course, hosted in the virtual learning environment STUDIUM to be used by the students from the three universities.

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