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Resumen de Population-based simulated annealing for federal redistricting in Mexico

Alejandro Lara Caballero, Eric Alfredo Rincón García, Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Andrade, Sergio Gerardo de los Cobos Silva, Pedro Lara Velázquez, Román Anselmo Mora Gutiérrez

  • On July 1, 2018, federal elections were held in Mexico and 300 deputies were elected across the country. However, the electoral process conducted by the National Electoral Institute of Mexico started one year before, with the apportionment of a different number of seats among states, according to its population, and the generation of 300 new electoral districts, one for each voting member. At that point, we proposed a population-based simulated annealing algorithm that is able to generate continuous, compact and equally populated districts. The performance of our algorithm was tested on 12 federal entities and proved to outperform the strategies used so far by the Electoral Institute. Therefore, our proposal was included in the redistricting system and applied in the federal redistricting process. In this paper, we describe the algorithm and present results that demonstrate its efficiency and accuracy

Fundación Dialnet

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