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Resumen de Algebraic analysis of multistate k-out-of-n systems

Patricia Pascual Ortigosa, E. Sáenz De Cabezón, Henry P. Wynn Árbol académico

  • k-out-of-n systems have been intensively studied because of their importance in engineering and biology. In this paper we study the algebraic approach to their multistate version. We review the different definitions that multistate k-out-of-n systems have received and show how the algebraic method is used to study their reliability in a general way with a single approach.k-out-of-n systems have been intensively studied because of their importance in engineering and biology. In this paper we study the algebraic approach to their multistate version. We review the different definitions that multistate k-out-of-n systems have received and show how the algebraic method is used to study their reliability in a general way with a single approach.

Fundación Dialnet

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