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Resumen de Power to invest

Jorge Castro, Joaquim Gabarró Vallés Árbol académico, Maria Serna

  • In this post-recession time it is important to measure the possibilities offered by a society in relation to investments. To do that, we consider an investment schema S=(R; R1,…,Rn), where R is a lower bound on the desired return and the Ri’s are the return of the assets (to invest in). We introduce the power to invest, denoted as Power(S), to measure the capability of the schema to fulfil the requirement R. The power to invest is inspired in the Coleman’s power of a collectivity to act. We consider the angel-daemon approach to uncertainty and extend it to investment schemas. The approach tries to tune cases in-between the worst and the best scenarios and analyse them through game theory. We show how to use the power to invest to assess uncertainty in such situations and develop several examples.

Fundación Dialnet

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