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An Elliptic Curve Based Homomorphic Remote Voting System

  • Autores: Maria Àngels Cerveró Abelló, Victor Mateu Meseguer, Josep Maria Miret Biosca Árbol académico, Francesc Sebé Feixas Árbol académico, Javier Valera Martín
  • Localización: RECSI XIII: actas de la XIII Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información. Alicante, 2-5 de septiembre de 2014 / coord. por Rafael Álvarez Sánchez Árbol académico, Joan-Josep Climent Coloma Árbol académico, Francisco Ferrández Agulló, Francisco Martínez Pérez, Leandro Tortosa Grau Árbol académico, José F. Vicent Francés Árbol académico, Antonio Zamora Gómez Árbol académico, 2014, ISBN 978-84-9717-232-0, págs. 81-86
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • A remote voting system allows participants to cast their ballots through the Internet. Remote voting systems based on the use of homomorphic public key cryptography have proven to be a good option for carrying out simple elections with a reduced amount of candidates. In this paper, we present a new system that makes use of the additive homomorphic capabilities of the Elliptic Curve ElGamal (EC-ElGamal) cryptosystem.

      All the stages of the system are described together with an experimental analysis section which provides an assessment on the type of election our system would be suitable for.

Fundación Dialnet

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