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Resumen de La consultoría como estrategia de mejora en la calidad e inocuidad de la industria alimentaria

Elia Trejo Trejo, Natalia Trejo Trejo, Jonatan Zúñiga

  • We report the results from a process of consulting on a dairy products company quality and safety problems in their products. The diagnostic tool was the verification guide NOM-251-SSA1-2009, we examined the compliance to this standard, the areas of opportunity and based on these proposals for improvement were established. As results establishing a consulting model to be transferred to other sectors of the food area and additionally as a result of the execution of the consulting process microenterprise found that partially meets the requirements of the standard but has no way to prove this made since records are not, hence the proposal focuses on the design improvement of procedures, work instructions and forms.

Fundación Dialnet

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