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Resumen de Is there a European shopping-related lifestyle?: investigating the interaction between national culture and shoping culture

Pirjo Laaksonen, Carmen Rodríguez Santos, Julio Ignacio Abad González, Noellie Brockdorff, Clive Zammit, Liberato Camillieri, Darach Turley, Andreas I. Andronikidis, George J. Avlonitis, Paulina Papastathopoulou, Katarina Hellén

  • The purpose of this chapter is to investigate possible differences and similarities across European countries in terms of shopping culture, and identify in which constructs or dimensions these differences occur. The results suggest that European countries do differ in terms of shopping-related lifestyles and that these differences are related to responsibility, quality, shopping enjoyment, shopping as a social activity, and online shopping, as well as overt and covert shopping behaviour. Therefore, it was concluded that there seem to be many shopping-related lifestyles in Europe, not a single unified one.

Fundación Dialnet

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