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Resumen de Trace-positive complex polynomials in three unitaries

Stanislav Popovych

  • We consider the quadratic polynomials in three unitary generators, i.e. the elements of the group -algebra of the free group with generators of the form , . We prove that if is self-adjoint and for arbitrary unitary matrices , then is a sum of hermitian squares. To prove this statement we reduce it to the question whether a certain Tarski sentence is true. Tarski's decidability theorem thus provides an algorithm to answer this question. We use an algorithm due to Lazard and Rouillier for computing the number of real roots of a parametric system of polynomial equations and inequalities implemented in Maple to check that the Tarski sentence is true.

    As an application, we describe the set of parameters such that there are unitary operators connected by the linear relation .

Fundación Dialnet

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