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Resumen de Classifying subcategories of modules over a commutative noetherian ring

Ryo Takahashi

  • Let R be a quotient ring of a commutative coherent regular ring by a finitely generated ideal. Hovey gave a bijection between the set of coherent subcategories of the category of finitely presented R-modules and the set of thick subcategories of the derived category of perfect R-complexes. Using this bijection, he proved that every coherent subcategory of finitely presented R-modules is a Serre subcategory. In this paper, it is proved that this holds whenever R is a commutative noetherian ring. This paper also yields a module version of the bijection between the set of localizing subcategories of the derived category of R-modules and the set of subsets of Spec R which was given by Neeman

Fundación Dialnet

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