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Resumen de Towards the finiteness of p*LK(n)S0

Ethen S. Devinatz

  • Let G be a closed subgroup of the nth Morava stabilizer group Sn, n2, and let denote the continuous homotopy fixed point spectrum of Devinatz and Hopkins. If G=z, the subgroup topologically generated by an element z in the p-Sylow subgroup of Sn, and z is non-torsion in the quotient of by its center, we prove that the -homology of any K(n-2)*-acyclic finite spectrum annihilated by p is of essentially finite rank. We also show that the units in En* fixed by z are just the units in the Witt vectors with coefficients in the field of pn elements. If n=2 and p5, we show that, if G is a closed subgroup of not contained in the center, then G contains an open subnormal subgroup U such that the mod(p) homotopy of is of essentially finite rank.

Fundación Dialnet

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