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Resumen de Asymptotic stability of a semigroup generated by randomly conneted poisson driven differential equations

Katarzyna Horbacz

  • English

    We consider the stochastic differential equation (1) dX(t) = a(X(t), (t))dt + b(X(t), 0).Arp(dt, dB) for t > O e with the initial condition X(0) = xo. We give sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the semigroup {Pt}t>0 generated by the stochastic differential equation (1).

  • italiano

    Si considera l'equazione differenziale stocastica del tipo (1) dX(t) = a(X(t), (t))dt + f b(X(t), 0).Af(dt, dO) per t > O p con condizione iniziale X(0) = xo. Diamo condizioni sufficienti per la stability delle soluzioni chegeneran° semigruppo degli operatori di Markov.

Fundación Dialnet

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